Seriously? OMG! WTF? » What if Donald Trump’s poorly educated supporters made him ad?
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[ # ] What if Donald Trump’s poorly educated supporters made him ad?
February 25th, 2016 under Donald Trump, Jimmy Kimmel
I don’t know about you; but if someone calls me “poorly educated”, I don’t want anything to do with them ever again. While that is you and I, Donald Trump’s supporters love him even more for it. Probably because they don’t realize that poorly educated is another way to stupid, dumb or moron.
Anyways, Jimmy Kimmel Live decided to have some fun with that and created an ad made by his most poorly educated supporters. You know what for being poorly educated, this is freaking brilliant.
While I try to do as little as possible on Trump because he doesn’t need any more free publicity, this ad was too huge not to post.


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