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Arnold Schwarzenegger’s response to 45 is something I am so down for!
February 2nd, 2017 under Arnold Schwarzenegger, Donald Trump. [ Comments: none ]

In between destroying American and whining about not being popular, 45 found time to talk about the ratings for The New Celebrity Apprentice. He told people at the National Prayer Breakfast today, “When I ran for president, I had to leave the show. That’s when I knew for sure I was doing it. And they hired a big, big movie star, Arnold Schwarzenegger, to take pace my place, and we know how that turned out.” Then he added, “The ratings went right down the tubes. It’s been a total disaster. And Mark will never, ever bet against Trump again, and I want to just pray for Arnold, if we can, for those ratings, okay?”
Well the former Governor of California, who had my vote and did a great job, responded to him on Twitter. Arnuld said, “Hey Donald, I have a great idea. Why don’t we switch jobs? You take over TV, because you’re such an expert in ratings, and I take over your job, and then people can finally sleep comfortably again.”
I am OK with them to doing a Freaky Friday 7 days a week. The Terminator knows how to run the government and 45 knows how to do TV.
Oh and if 45 would’ve hosted Celeb App this go around, the ratings would’ve been the same with him as they are with Arnold or even lower. All shows including the top ones have had major declines since the reality show last aired. But, hey he knows ratings.


Did Donald Trump steal Andrew Dice Clay’s act?
January 19th, 2017 under Andrew Dice Clay, Conan O'Brien, Donald Trump. [ Comments: none ]

Andrew Dice Clay told Conan O’Brien tonight that he thinks that Donald Trump stole his act, and I think he is right. I mean, as soon as the Diceman said that, it was like it all makes sense now. The stuff Drumpf says, is stuff that sounds like it is coming from Dice’s mouth, but it isn’t. It is coming out of the other one’s lips. Which makes it that much more scary. Dice knows it is a joke and it’s not real, the other one does not.


Saturday Night Live really went for it yesterday!
January 15th, 2017 under Alec Baldwin, Donald Trump, Saturday Night Live. [ Comments: none ]

Yesterday, Alec Trump, I mean Donald Baldwin, I mean Alec Baldwin was back as Donald Trump on Saturday Night Live and they combined all of his scandals of the week into one 8 minute cold open. The rumors he paid people to applaud and cheer for him at his press conference, the folders filled with blank pages, the uncalled for dissing of the great American John Lewis, Golden Showers and many more fake news items that are actually real. It was so right on, I don’t know if it is real or a parody. What do you think?


What would get Alec Baldwin to stop playing Donald Trump?
December 4th, 2016 under Alec Baldwin, Donald Trump, Saturday Night Live. [ Comments: none ]

Shortly after Saturday Night Live aired another accurate bit about Donald Trump, the President Elect Tweeted about it. He said, “Just tried watching Saturday Night Live – unwatchable! Totally biased, not funny and the Baldwin impersonation just can’t get any worse. Sad.”
Alec Baldwin, who has been doing a better job at playing him than the real thing, had something to say about that. He made a deal with him, “..@realDonaldTrump Release your tax returns and I’ll stop. Ha.”


Vince Neil was supposed to play the Inauguration
November 19th, 2016 under Donald Trump, Mötley Crüe. [ Comments: none ]

Yesterday, a story broke that Vince Neil was going to play the Inauguration. As soon as you accepted that fact, it was taken away from us. The singer was uninvited by the upcoming administration from performing on January 20th.
Today, Motley Crue’s headman Tweeted, “For those of you who don’t get it! I was invited several months ago to play. No one knew who was even going to be running for president. Now that Trump won, I was uninvited. So I am not playing. Case closed!”
I don’t get it. Trump seems more into his type of music than Hillary Clinton.
So what might’ve happened? Let’s see, he is doing Celebrity Apprentice this season. The first one without Trump as the head of the Boardroom. We know The Donald holds grudges. That and maybe President Elect had to make room for Scott Baio. That’s right, before you Millennial were even a thought in your parents’ heads, Chachi Arcola release an album. Don’t call it a comeback.
How do you feel about all of this? Who do you think will be playing at the Inauguration now? Who do you want to play it?


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