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Do Matthew Morrison and Lea Michele have something to tell us?
October 29th, 2010 under Do they have something to tell us?, Glee, Lea Michele. [ Comments: 3 ]

Glee’s teacher and student Matthew Morrison and Lea Michele were pictured kissing and walking arm-to-arm yesterday, so does that mean they have something to tell us? Nope it was just the two of them doing a tribute to The Rocky Horror Show celebrating its 35th year at The Painted Turtle and she recreated the role of Janet she played on Tuesday’s Glee while the curly haired guy took over as Brad for Cory Montieth.
BTW is just me or are they most annoying people on the show and do you wish they would go back to Broadway?


Do Ron Jeremy and Carrot Top have something to tell us?
October 27th, 2010 under Do they have something to tell us?, Ron Jeremy. [ Comments: 1 ]

Ron Jeremy and Carrot Top came out to celebrate Penn & Teller’s 10 Years At The Rio and I wonder if they came out about something else? By the looks of it Ron Jeremy has given his heart to the comedian and Carrot Top is being carried away by the porn star. Their couple’s name can be Carrot Penis, since carrots are about 10″!!!


Do Eli Roth and Marilyn Manson have something to tell us?
October 23rd, 2010 under Do they have something to tell us?, Eli Roth, Marilyn Manson. [ Comments: 2 ]

Horror movie director and shock rock musician Marilyn Manson were caught kissing at Knotts Scary Farm and I have to wonder if the two scary men have something to tell us? Their relationship would be a match made in hell, so let’s hope it works out for these two newly single men…that is if their kiss was something more than the two of them playing with the cameras and us!


Do Aubrey Plaza and Amy Pohler have something to tell us?
October 17th, 2010 under Do they have something to tell us?, NBC. [ Comments: none ]

Aubrey Plaza and Amy Pohler were at the 20th Annual Environmental Media Awards and I have to wonder if the Parks and Recreation stars have something to us? Look at the way April is grabbing Leslie’s Knope. I really want to know what is going on in that Pawnee Pit when the cameras stop rolling? Probably nothing, but for now Tom Haverford and you boys can only imagine.


Seriously do Ben Affleck and Jon Hamm have something to tell us?
September 11th, 2010 under Ben Affleck, Do they have something to tell us?, Jon Hamm. [ Comments: 1 ]

Earlier in the week I posted pictures of The Town co-stars Ben Affleck and Jon Hamm nose-to-nose and I wondered then if they had something to tell us. Then yesterday the two men were photographed, well you can see how they look. And if those pictures weren’t enough, according to the CBC here is what they said in a press conference about their movie at the Toronto International Film Festival.

Affleck responded to a question about whether the film’s love scenes were awkward.
“It wasn’t really pornographic or anything,” Affleck said.
Hamm, once again, couldn’t resist.
“But by contrast, my sex scenes with Ben, which were cut from the film — I think wisely — were really, really …”
“They were raunchy,” Affleck finished, to much laughter.

I think their couple name should be Bamm! Doesn’t it sound better than Bennifer 2? Although Jon’s current couple name with Jessica Westfeldt is Wamm and that is a good one. So I guess Jon is really the Wamm, Bamm, Thank you Mamm sort of guy!!!
Finally Affleck will have a lot of explaining to do when he gets back to The States because of these pictures not only to his wife Jennifer Garner and his BFF Matt Damon, but also to his f*ck buddy Jimmy Kimmel when he appears on his ABC show this week. You know that interview isn’t going to go well especially if he brings his Mad Man with him!


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