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Demi Lovato’s new look has the X Factor!
March 13th, 2013 under Demi Lovato, Disney Kids. [ Comments: none ]

Demi Lovato changed up her long hair for a shoulder length do and she looks so much better. She actually looks like that fresh faced kid from when she first started out and that really works for her.
Now we just have to wait to hear if Simon Cowell thinks her new hairstyle has The X Factor or not. I am sure he like her locks anyway he can get them back on the show because he needs someone from the second season to sit alongside him.


Do John Stamos and Danielle Jonas have something to tell us?
December 3rd, 2012 under Disney Kids, Do they have something to tell us?, Full House, John Stamos, Jonas Brothers. [ Comments: none ]

John Stamos was seen chained to Kevin Jonas’ wife Danielle and the oldest Jonas Brother and I have to wonder if they have something to tell us? When Kevin asked “Should I be concerned!!!”, Uncle Jesse responded with “oh, be concerned, be very concerned.” So it looks like they do…
Plus it is John Stamos, who would ever say no to him? I know I wouldn’t and couldn’t!


Of course Joe Jonas got It’s Raining Men!
November 29th, 2012 under Disney Kids, Ellen DeGeneres, Jonas Brothers. [ Comments: none ]

The Jonas Brothers were on Ellen and Jane Lynch had them playing Pictionary with Ellen DeGeneres. Since Joe and Kevin got the deciding drawing, they got to go first. The eldest Jonas had to draw It’s Raining Men for his younger brother and after three quick guesses he got The Weather Girls song. Sadly though getting the answer right so fast didn’t help with the rumors that I don’t think are true, but I still had to make the joke. Even though I feel bad doing it because he is a nice guy. As bad as I feel, it is not as bad as Nick’s drawing abilities. Seriously he couldn’t draw to save his life.


Selena Gomez says she will never do Ellen again!
September 28th, 2012 under Disney Kids, Selena Gomez. [ Comments: none ]

Selena Gomez was on Ellen and Ellen DeGeneres scared her not once, but twice. Granted the first time was better, the second one was almost as much as fun. I love the way that Ellen scares her guest, but she should be careful because one day someone is going to get her back.


Joe Jonas gets a cream pie to the face!
August 20th, 2012 under Disney Kids, Fall Out Boy/ Ashlee Simpson, Jonas Brothers. [ Comments: 1 ]

Joe Jonas was on Late Night on Friday and Jimmy Fallon challenged him to a game of Rock, Papers, Scissors, Pie. The game is easy, the two men put their heads through some cardboard cutouts and then play the children’s game Rock, Papers, Scissors, Shoot. Then the loser has to turn the notch to see if they will get a cream pie to the face. Sadly for The Next mentor, he got creamed not once but twice.
As much as I enjoyed that, I liked it better the first time that he played the game with Anderson Cooper because it was more about the anticipation of getting a face full of pie as compared to actually getting it. For some reason that is more torturous and to me more exciting.


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