Jamie Dornan has a special talent that he exhibits in Fifty Shades Darker. It is so special, he told the producers that he will only do it once, so they have to do it one take. Therefore, he will not do again.
Sounds like something you have to see, right? After he told that to Conan O’Brien, the late night asked him if he could show us what it is on right then and there. Christian Grey then walked over to the desk, took off his jacket, placed his hands on the wood and lifted himself up until he was practically doing a handstand in the air. I don’t know about you, but I am so turned on now!
Too bad he broke his t!t over it. Then again, I don’t look at his pecks as much as the rest of him in the Fifty Shades movies!
Donald Trump hasn’t even been President for a week and her already ruined the US’s relationship with Mexico. Conan O’Brien is not going to allow that happen, so he is going to travel down to Mexico City to bring peace back between the two countries. He will film his March 1st show down there using their crew, interviewing their entertainers and have an audience filled with their people.
As we know, he helped to make things better in Cuba with the United States when he went down there, so here’s to hoping that he does the same with our neighbors to the south.
Also, I am hoping that Trump will allow him back in the country. He is a national treasure we can’t lose.
As we know Howie Mandel is a Germaphobe, but did you know he doesn’t go to the doctor because of it. That means he has to do most of their work on himself like checking his Prostate. He told Conan O’Brien that he researched how to do it online. Only one drawback, they didn’t tell him to clip his nails. You think that would be a given!
Andrew Dice Clay told Conan O’Brien tonight that he thinks that Donald Trump stole his act, and I think he is right. I mean, as soon as the Diceman said that, it was like it all makes sense now. The stuff Drumpf says, is stuff that sounds like it is coming from Dice’s mouth, but it isn’t. It is coming out of the other one’s lips. Which makes it that much more scary. Dice knows it is a joke and it’s not real, the other one does not.
Kathy Griffin was on Conan O’Brien’s TBS show yesterday and she told him that her good friend Josh Groban is a man whore. Then she explained that, “he has been getting the p*ssy (not the cat) in Hollywood as long as I have known him.” Basically, she describes him as the “John Mayer of Opera.”
I don’t believe it, not the sweet innocent man who has the voice that makes angels, well. Oh wait, maybe there is something there? I am sure his Grobanites would love to find out if it is true. I mean, with a voice like that he has to be good in bed. Right? Plus, imagine what his voice sounds like when little Josh raises up and complete his job! If you know what I mean!
Anyways talking about Little Josh, she shared another story about him. Grobs likes to bring young girls on the stage with him and she told him she knows why he does that. He said to her, “Look honey, this D!ck isn’t going to suck itself.” Conan’s face says it all. My face looked the same exact same way as his. I am sure Grobs was joking? He had to be joking? Right? That’s not that Josh Groban we know. But I like it, I really, really like it!
Grobs (I am going to call him that from now on) has the voice of an Angel and a devilish side to go with it! What more does a girl need? We know what he needs apparently…