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Conan O’Brien asks Mexicans if they will pay for the wall!
February 24th, 2017 under Conan O'Brien, Donald Trump. [ Comments: none ]

When 45 caused a rift between America and Mexico, Conan O’Brien announced he was going to go down to mend relations between the neighboring countries by doing a whole episode from there to air on March 1st.

This week, he went down Mexico City and got to the heart of the matter. He asked the people on the street if the would pay for the wall since 45 said that they would. How did they react? They ain’t gonna pay for no stinking wall. As if anyone but the people inside the White House thought they would.

You know what, I ain’t paying for that stinking wall either, but I will watch Conan’s TBS special episode. I think all you Gringos should too or in 45’s case Orango.

Thankfully the Mexicans that he spoke to have a sense of humor because this bit could have turned out completely differently of they did not.

BTW does anyone know if Immigration let Conan back into the US? I could totally see ICE standing there waiting for him at the gate to send him immediately back to Mexico for doing this special. Couldn’t you?

When it comes to Conan, moochas gracias for trying to bring peace again to America and Mexico. And where is my Tequila?


Conan O’Brien stands out in Mexico
February 16th, 2017 under Conan O'Brien. [ Comments: none ]

When things were going down with Mexico as the new President took office, Conan O’Brien decided to make peace between the two countries announcing he will by doing a whole episode down in Mexico City that airs on March 1st.

Today the TBS late night host went down there to tape it, and walked around to meet some locals. Can you spot the tall Gringo with red hair? How can you not? Besides being heads and shoulders above everyone there, he is also whiter than all the people around him. His crew will never lose him unlike Waldo.

If things go right maybe instead of us Americans being called a Gringos, we will be called Grinstays. Granted at the rate things are going with this Presidency we might be making are way to their border before he builds the dumbass wall.


Anthony Anderson’s mom taught his friends and him how to have oral sex!
February 9th, 2017 under Anthony Anderson, Conan O'Brien. [ Comments: none ]

Thanks to Celebrity Family Feud and To Tell The Truth, we know that Anthony Anderson’s mom is a real character. We just didn’t know how much.

The Black-ish star told Conan O’Brien that his mother told him the proper way to eat a cookie when he was in his early 20’s. Not only did she teach him how to eat the cookie, she also taught his brother and his friends the way to make a woman very happy at this lesson. But wait, there were women there too and she explained to them how to suck on the lollipop. Let’s just say it involved a vein.

How? She used videos as visuals aids.

Why? Because Papa Anderson wasn’t good at it and she wasn’t going to let her boys go out into the world not knowing how to please a woman. And not let women go out there not knowing how to please a man!

Did it work? Yes! Did the actor ever tell the women’s whose cookie he ate that he learned how to do that from his mom. Yes! What happened when they didn’t believe him? He called her and his mom would ask them if she was a good teacher. She is!

So good, I want to know why TLC or any other network doesn’t give her a show where she teaches Conan O’Brien, Andy Richter, me and you the proper way to have oral sex and other sexual tips for the tip and more! Could you imagine! And she can use her son to demonstrate on dolls. We know that Cable can’t show that! Seriously, we can all use a lesson because unless we learned how to do it from Mrs Anderson, did we really learn how to do it?


Conan O’Brien gives Mrs Butterworth the Mr Clean treatment and it’s wrong
February 8th, 2017 under Conan O'Brien. [ Comments: none ]

Last week, people like me were turned on by new Mr Clean and Conan O’Brien wanted a female product’s mascot to turn him on. That woman is a curvy and it is Mrs Butterworth.
Let’s just say his take is messy as messy as syrup. So messy, you will need a shower afterwards.
That is why I love Conan, he will go there and even past the point of no return. This is beyond that point. So beyond.


Tom Brady is actually funny
February 3rd, 2017 under 70s, Brad Garrett, Conan O'Brien, Sports figures. [ Comments: none ]

Conan O’Brien challenged Tom Brady to play in the 3rd Annual Clueless Gamer Super Bowl Edition and he plays videogames like he does football. For the win!
The TBS host won the first round, and the legendary Quarterback not won the rest of that game, he won the rest of the matches with other football players like Atlanta Falcons’ Dwight Freeney and Seattle Seahawks Legend Marshawn Lynch.
But it wasn’t only about killing each other in For Honor, the Ballers along with New England Patriots’ Rob Gronkowski and LeGarrette Blount also killed each other with the jokes. We know that Brady can throw a ball, but who knew he could throw a joke or too? And the disses scored touched downs. I seriously never thought it would he would be funny because he seems dull, but there seems to be another side to him. I guess it is that humor that helped him land the highest paid super model as wife. Well that and his looks, money and being a winner, I guess?


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