Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Blake Shelton
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Why is this mom ’embarrassed’ her kid took out the same book as Blake Shelton?
April 7th, 2018 under Blake Shelton, The Voice. [ Comments: none ]

Marley came home with a big smile on her face because she took out the same book as Blake Shelton at her school, but her mom was not happy. Why? Shelly Bryan Parker explained, “Marley is EXCITED that her ‘new’ reader belonged to Blake Shelton, but I am EMBARRASSED!!!! I’m 40 and these people are my age!!! Thank you to every teacher/parent/support staffer/etc. for fighting for my kids education!!! Don’t give up until education is FULLY FUNDED!!!! #fundOKED #Okwalk4kids #westillloveblake.”

If you think about it, Shelton took out this book 35 years ago. That means that book is probably older than some of the teachers at that school. Why aren’t our tax dollars going to update our children’s school books? No wonder the teachers walked out.

The President wants to spend money on arming teachers with guns, but I want to spend the money on arming teachers with books and school supplies. They need that more than guns. The students need that more than guns. The federal government needs to work on smarter gun laws and the teachers need to focus on making the future generation smart.

When it comes to the book, I hope Marley gets to keep it and her school gets new books.


Blake Shelton and Jimmy Fallon visit a psychic!
March 21st, 2018 under Blake Shelton, Jimmy Fallon, The Voice. [ Comments: none ]
Jimmy Fallon and Blake Shelton have had a lot of adventures together like eating sushi and milking a cow in my hometown. Yesterday, the NBC host took The Voice coach to a psychic on The Tonight Show.

What was the biggest reveal out of it? Fallon has three soulmates and Shelton is convinced that he is one of them along with Jane Fallon and Justin Timberlake. Which makes you wonder who comes first in that four-way and where Gwen Stefani fits in to it all?

The one thing we know for sure is that this Donny and Marie song, are truly hilarious together! Blake’s dead pan humor with Jimmy’s childlike one is the yin and yang we so desperately need.


How did Blake Shelton get in trouble with Gwen Stefani on The Tonight Show?
March 20th, 2018 under Blake Shelton, Jimmy Fallon, The Voice. [ Comments: none ]
Blake Shelton is People’s Sexiest Man Alive this year and I think it his dry sense of humor that earned him that title. That humor is always evident on The Tonight Show, and Jimmy Fallon loves coming up with new ways to bring it out of him every time he is on the NBC show.

Yesterday, Fallon challenged Shelton to a hard game called Name That Song. I say it is hard because they have to guess a song as it plays out one instrument at a time. I only got one of them before the guys and it is a tune The Voice coach should have known. But I am getting ahead of myself.

The game is just the background story in this video. It is Blake’s comments that truly make it. As soon as Fallon described the game, Shelton said, “Why are your games so stupid?” That was before they even started, and it got even worse. When Blake got the first song wrong and Jimmy rubbed his face in it, he said, “I don’t know why I come to this show…Please, I miss Johnny Caron so badly.”

Then it was calmish for a bit, until Blake could’ve sworn it was Willie Nelson’s On the Road Again and it wasn’t. Then he thought it was Hard to Handle and again it wasn’t. It was actually Charlie Daniels’ Devil Goes Down to Georgia. As this point, the devil started going down in 30 Rock and he called bullcrap on The Roots. He’s a good mama’s boy and kept saying bullcrap instead of what we say. Anyways, he told the house band that they are playing songs that they are not. In defeat he blurted out, “Why do I this show? All I wanna do is sing my song.”

Now this is when the trouble really starts for Shelton. You see the next clue was his girlfriend’s song Hollaback Girl which everyone got before them. When he realizes how bad he screwed up, he goes to the stage to sit down in shame. Fallon comforts his friend by telling him, he is in so much trouble. All Blake could say is, “I came to this show to promote my album and I am losing everything. Everything in my life.” As they got back up to play again, he turned to his publicist and said, “Can we do Seth Meyers next time? Please.”

The last song took a while for Shelton to get, which is weird because he sang it. I wonder why he didn’t get Footloose sooner, especially because he recorded it for the remake. You think he would know every chord of it.

But what really strikes a chord in me is how much of an odd couple Fallon and Shelton are. One is a grumpy old Bulldog and the other one is annoyingly happy Jack Russell. Someone should give them a game show where every week they play new games and drink the rice wine. They can call it Falton!


Has being named Sexiest Man Alive gone to Blake Shelton’s head?
November 21st, 2017 under Blake Shelton, Miley Cyrus, The Voice. [ Comments: 2 ]

Last week, People named Blake Shelton its Sexiest Man Alive, and looks like the title is going to his head. Yesterday while at The Voice, Miley Cyrus recorded a video of him drinking out of a red cup. When he realized the camera was on him, he started to make love to it with his face. Now, I get what Gwen Stefani and the magazine sees in him, he gives sexy head. I just want to know what he does with that pinky…or maybe not.


Blake Shelton reads the mean Tweets about him being Sexiest Man Alive
November 17th, 2017 under Blake Shelton, The Voice. [ Comments: none ]

A post shared by Blake Shelton (@blakeshelton) on

When Blake Shelton was named People’s Sexiest Man Alive on Tuesday, a lot of people, including me, were perplexed. In fact, some people even went as far to go on social media and voice their opinions. Since they written online, their voices were silent. Therefore, The Voice coach gave them one by reading what they wrote. The consensus is that all the other male celebrities in the World died so that he could get the honor.

Was he upset about it? Nope, he just laughed it off. It that humbleness and those dimples that is slowly making me realize that People made the right choice.


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