Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Ben Stiller
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Can Ben Stiller get erections?
October 5th, 2016 under Ben Stiller, Frat Pack, Howard Stern. [ Comments: none ]

Yesterday, Ben Stiller revealed that he had Prostate Cancer 2 years ago on Howard Stern and the Shock Jock had a shocking question for him. The DJ wanted to know if he has had any sexual problems since having his prostate removed. The actor told him that the night after his surgery, his tropic thunder was ready for reality bites. I have to put it like that because I don’t want to picture his Zoolander getting ready to walk the runway.
But back to the message on hand, men you don’t have to worry about getting your prostate removed because the organ below will still work. Thus, you should get your PSA levels checked.


Ben Stiller reveals he had Prostate Cancer 2 years ago
October 4th, 2016 under Ben Stiller, Sick Bay. [ Comments: 10 ]

Ben Stiller plays a funny man on the big screen, but he got real serious today on The Howard Stern Show when he told the Shock Jock that he was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer two years ago.
He not only talked about it on the radio show, he blogged about his diagnosis and treatment. He started out his post by saying, “So, yeah, it’s cancer.” Then he reveals he was diagnosed on Friday the 13th of June in 2014 and three months later on September 17, 2014 he heard he the words, “cancer free.” The actor had his prostate removed with all of the cancer and he remains free of cancer 2 years later.
He is coming forward to tell men to get the their PSA levels checked even before the mandatory age of 50 because he was only 48 when he was given the scary news. All a man has to do is take a blood test. It is so simple and it can save your life.
It saved his life and it saved my father’s life. Men do it. Do it today!


Ben Stiller plugs Female Viagra
February 9th, 2016 under Ben Stiller, Jimmy Fallon. [ Comments: none ]

If you have watched a television show and didn’t skip through the commercials, then you must’ve seen those ads with a pretty woman trying to get men to buy Viagra.
Well, yesterday when Ben Stiller was on The Tonight Show, he told Jimmy Fallon he shot a commercial that was cut from the Super Bowl. Since the ad didn’t air on Sunday, the NBC late night host decided to air it on his show instead. Watch Zoolander promote Female Viagra in his own special way and I think his wife, Christine Taylor, will agree with everything that was said in the advertisement.


Did the Zoolander cast commit an International crime?
February 3rd, 2016 under Ben Stiller, Frat Pack, Strange Encounters. [ Comments: 5 ]

I will openly admit that I think that Zoolander is going to be criminally unfunny, but is that an International crime? I don’t think so, but why else would Secretary of State John Kerry being hanging out with the cast of Zoolander in London? Was he called in to save Ben Stiller, Owen and Luke Wilson, Kristen Wiig and Justin Theroux’s a$$es?
Here’s how Mr Jennifer Aniston explained what was happening, “Secretary of State John Kerry appoints new cabinet to solve all worlds problems with a couple of super corny jokes.” Before you think the United States has a bigger problem than who is running for President, he then added, “Cabinet fired after Secretary realizes no one is remotely qualified to handle serious matters of global importance.” Just like most of the people running for POTUS.


Ben Stiller or Ric Ocasek?
September 16th, 2015 under Ben Stiller, Frat Pack, RIc Ocasek. [ Comments: none ]

You might think I’m crazy, but I think that Ben Stiller look more like Ric Ocasek than Hansel. Don’t you think he looks more like singer of The Cars who married a Supermodel than the Supermodel he plays Zoolander. It could just be the jet black spiky hair and dark glasses that are throwing me for the loop. So think about it as you wonder who’s gonna drive you home tonight?
Not familiar with The Cars and Ric Ocaseck, watch their music video that won the first MTV Video Music Award for Video of the Year. Now I am wondering Ocasek was Stiller’s inspiration for Zoolander?


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