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Julia Louis-Dreyfus’ interesting way to celebrate her Emmy nom
July 19th, 2012 under 80s, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Seinfeld. [ Comments: none ]

Maybe because Julia Louis-Dreyfus has been nominated for an Emmy as many as times Lucille Ball, I guess she thought it was OK to celebrate her 13th nom in a clean way. As in getting her teeth cleaned. At least we know she will have a great smile on Emmy night, you know when she is in that box and they announce another person’s name. Not that I want to her to lose, I just don’t think she as a chance against the other actresses. But then again I never thought that Melissa McCarthy was going to win for Bridesmaids because let’s be real she is a one note wonder on Mike & Molly.
Now back to Elaine not only did she get an Emmy now, she was also told she’s cavity free. Not a bad way for the Veep to spend a Thursday.


Is there any Cure for Robert Smith’s hair?
July 2nd, 2012 under 80s, The Cure. [ Comments: 9 ]
Robert Smith was as known for his hair as much as his music with The Cure, and I am wondering if that is why it looks like he hasn’t brushed it since the ’80s. You know like he has been trying to preserve that look that he has had forever and he is afraid if he does anything to it no one will know who he was/is. Either that or if he ran a comb through that rat’s nest it would come off with one stroke.
I mean is anyone else scared of him and that thing on the top of his head or is it just me? Seriously it is more terrifying than the Lullaby video.


Richard Grieco still has Looks that Could Kill
May 25th, 2012 under 80s, Richard Grieco. [ Comments: 1 ]
Richard Grieco came out for the 12th Annual Lupus LA Orange Ball and I so want to 21 Jump Street him. If Looks Could Kill, I would be dead right now. Seriously doesn’t the 47 year old actor, musician, artist and creator of Showtime’s Gigolos look as sexy as when we got to know him as Booker back in 1988? Admit it, you totally want to spend A Night at the Roxbury with him.


Are things getting ugly between the Pretty in Pink cast???
May 23rd, 2012 under 80s, Andrew McCarthy. [ Comments: none ]

Molly Ringwald was talking to Out magazine and she told them that there was an alternate ending to Pretty in Pink. In that version Andie winds up Duckie, but we never saw it because it didn’t tell well with audiences. Here is her theory why, “Duckie doesn’t know he’s gay. I think he loves Andie in the way that [my gay best friend] always loved me. That ending fell so flat — it bombed at all the screenings. I didn’t realize it then — I just knew that my character shouldn’t end up with him, because we didn’t have that sort of chemistry. If John was here now, and I could talk to him, I think that he would completely acknowledge that.”
Well Jon Cryer didn’t it take it lying down; and he told Zap2It “No, she actually said that if one projected beyond the movie, that Duckie would be out by now. And I respectfully disagree. I want to stand up for all the slightly effeminate dorks that are actually heterosexual. Just cause the gaydar is going off, doesn’t mean your instruments aren’t faulty. I’ve had to live with that, and that’s okay.” Duckie was a Metrosexual before they had a name for it.
But the talk about Duckie’s sexuality didn’t stop there, it then went to Twitter and somehow Andrew McCarthy aka Blane got mixed up in it.

Here are Andie, Blane and Duckie’s Tweets to each other:
Molly Ringwald: Don’t know about Andie ending up with Duckie but I’d totally end up with @MrJonCryer He grew up best
Andrew McCarthy: SHOCKED Molly! I challenge him to duel
AM: Let me tell you something @MollyRingwald, that @MrJonCryer wouldn’t last five minutes
Jon Cryer: @AndrewTMcCarthy ?!? His twitter handle is @AndrewTMcCarthy ?!? That’s not a twitter handle, it’s a major appliance!
AM: Ur still crying in the parking lot!
JC: Nuh-uh!! I’m still at the prom making out with Kristy Swanson!!!
AM: Jon, tell the truth. It was Spader all along, wasn’t it
JC: @AndrewTMcCarthy please don’t be angry that @MollyRingwald thinks I grew up better. I TOLD you to moisturize back in 1985!!
AM: Tell ur self what u need to Cryer
MR: @AndrewTMcCarthy @MrJonCryer You have the best job on the planet and you got me in the teen years. Cry me a river. 😉

Can I tell you watching the three Tweet each other like that made me feel exactly the same way I did when I saw the John Hughes movie for the very first time. I loved every single second of it. Seriously I love that all three of them are on Twitter and that they’re still playing around with each other like they did when they made that movie over a quarter of a century ago.
BTW I was Team Duckie, Team Blane and Team Steff back then and I still have crushes on all three of them today as they are now. Which Team were/are you on?

UPDATE: The sassing continued today on Twitter and I want a sequel to Pretty in Pink ASAP. They can all come back for their 25 year reunion and we can find out if Duckie brings a girl or a boy.
JC: “@MollyRingwald: Guess who’s Grand Marshall of the LA Pride parade?” Umm… @AndrewTMcCarthy?
AM: “@MrJonCryer “@MollyRingwald: Guess who’s Grand Marshall of the LA Pride parade?” Umm… @AndrewTMcCarthy?”Jon, Jon, Jon, come clean now


Soleil Moon Frye goes short
April 24th, 2012 under 80s, Soleil Moon Frye. [ Comments: none ]

Ever since we got to know Soleil Moon Frye as Punky Brewster, she has always had long hair, That is until now because she got a drastic do. The Sabrina the Teenage Witch roommate has always wondered what she would like with shorter hair, so she finally decided to do it. The mother of two documented her hairstylist doing his magic and when he was done she had a sleek bob. You know what she looks great, but then again she always does.
My favorite part of the video is when her daughters Poet and Jagger see her for the first time. How precious was it when the six and the four year olds were shocked by their mom’s new look?
On the kids note, I am wondering if she is expecting her third baby because Melissa Joan Hart and her were pregnant with their first two kids together?


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