Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2025
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Do you want The Monkey to screen at your church?
February 17th, 2025 under Movies. [ Comments: none ]

If someone asked me what movie I could see being shown at a church, I would probably say something like Passion of the Christ. Although I am also twisted, so I might even suggest The Exorcist.

There have been plenty of Horror movies that have taken place in churches. However, how many have been shown at one? Not that many, if any,

Neon wants to change that. So they are asking religious institutions all over the United States if they want to screen the Stephen King short story turned into a movie by Osgood Perkins, The Monkey, at their place of worship.

If you and your congregation want to be part of a first-of-kind movie experience, then submit your church here. You just have to fill out three questions telling Neon why your holy place is the best venue to show this movie.

And if your church gets chosen, then you go to a sermon on Sunday morning and watch a movie matinee without leaving the building.

That sounds like the perfect Sunday to me.

The Monkey drums its way into theaters and churches on Friday.


What is, how well do you know Saturday Night Live?
February 17th, 2025 under Jeopardy, Saturday Night Live. [ Comments: none ]

Yesterday, on Saturday Night Live’s 50th during Black Jeopardy, none of the contestants had ever heard of the variety show.

While that was SNL, would the contestants on Jeopardy do a better job answering the clues to questions about the comedy show? They did! However, there was one question that they all got wrong, and I think White Doug would’ve gotten correct!

Now that SNL is 50! Jeopardy could’ve had a whole board dedicated to the series. Lord knows, there are enough factoids for 30 clues. For example, This current SNL player hosts Pop Culture Celebrity.


Do Keke Palmer and David Letterman have something to tell us?
February 17th, 2025 under David Letterman, Do they have something to tell us?, Strahan, Sara & Keke. [ Comments: none ]

Keke Palmer shared a selfie with David Letterman, and they looked really cozy sitting next to each other at Saturday Night Live’s 50th celebration. How cozy? Like, do they have something to tell us?

According to Palmer, yes, they do. She wrote, “Say hello to Deke, or Kavid, yea that’s right we’re an item! We even share glasses now, there’s no going back #HadMeAtHello #WhoKnew #YouKnowItsYoGurl”

Can you imagine what their love affair is like? They are so different, she is loud and uninhibited, and he is quiet and reserved. She is young, and he is old. He hosted late night, and she hosted a daytime one. As they say, opposites attract, and let’s see them attract.


Did a woman come between Glee’s Kurt and Blaine?
February 17th, 2025 under Chris Colfer, Glee. [ Comments: none ]

Have you ever wondered what happened to Kurt and Blaine after Glee ended? Did they stay together? Did they break up? Did they become a throuple?

We don’t know. But we got a hint of what might have happened between them. Over the weekend, Chris Colfer shared a photo with him and Darren Criss. However, there was a woman between them.

Who is she? She is Helen J Shen, Criss’ co-star in Maybe Happy Ending.

I don’t know what that means for Klaine, so it is up to you to imagine.


Jack Nicholson’s back…on SNL!
February 17th, 2025 under Jack Nicholson, Saturday Night Live. [ Comments: none ]

Yesterday, Saturday Night Live celebrated its 50th Anniversary, so NBC threw the Variety show a huge party. How big? They were able to coerce Jack Nicholson to come out of wherever he has been hiding to introduce his Anger Management co-star, Adam Sandler.

This is the first time we have seen Jack on camera (that wasn’t a basketball game) since SNL’s 40th celebration!

Therefore, NBC needs to keep SNL going for another ten years, so we can see the legendary actor at the 60th when he is 97 years young! Because I am sure he will still be sexy in his own special way.

They don’t make them like him anymore.


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