Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Chris Colfer
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Chris Colfer has a message for fans of his books
December 18th, 2023 under Chris Colfer. [ Comments: none ]

People over 25 know Chris Colfer for Glee. While people under 25 know him for his book series The Land of Stories.

The 33-year-old actor has a message for the latter group, “If you see me in a bar, and you are old enough to legally be in that bar as well, please, please, please don’t tell me you loved my books when you ‘were a kid.’ Thank you and Happy Holidays.”

He released his first book in the series in 2011. So that means they would’ve been 9 when it came out.

So, I think we can all understand Colfer’s pain because no one wants to be calling for Shady Pines when they are in their early 30s.


Chris Colfer reveals why he won’t go see Funny Girl
October 12th, 2022 under Chris Colfer, Glee, Lea Michele. [ Comments: none ]

Chris Colfer is in NYC, so you have to wonder if he is going to see his Glee co-star, Lea Michele, in Funny Girl. Well, Michelle Collins had him on her Sirius XM radio show, so she asked him for us.

Is the author going to go to see Rachel Barry as Fanny Brice? He told her, “No, I can be triggered at home!” And with that, the temperature suddenly dropped in Manhattan, and they skipped fall and immediately entered winter in the city.

And now, Colfer is my favorite person from Glee.

On the list of scandals from the musical comedy, this wouldn’t even make the list. To find out what will make it, we will have to watch the 3-part docuseries that is coming to Discovery+. According to Deadline, several of the cast members will be interviewed for the program. I really hope they get Colfer to sing like a canary.



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