Weird Al Yankovic is going back on the road, and he has a decision to make. So, the singer is asking us to help him decide.
How does he need our help? Back in the ’80s, the singer donned his signature mustache. But then, in 1998, he shaved it off and has kept that look ever since.
Recently, he decided to grow out his facial hair. So, now he has to decide to keep it or lose it. Therefore, he gave us a preview of both.
What do you think he should do? However, we know what he did. Because once you shave half your face, you have to do the rest. Although, I kind of like that half-and-half look. It totally fits his vibe.
I don’t know about you, but I have been pronouncing Daniel Craig’s last name as Cregg, like Greg. It turns out I am wrong.
Yesterday, when Craig, Daniel Craig was on The Late Show, he told Stephen Colbert, who has also been mispronouncing his name, the correct way to say it.
So, what is the proper way to his surname? It is Craygg, like egg. That is crayggzy.
The more you know…
Here is another fact we learned during that interview. While Stephen Colbert pronounces his last as Coal-bear, some of his other ten siblings go by Coal-bert.
How did that happen? Stephen’s grandfather went by Coal-bert. However, his dad wanted to use the French pronunciation. But his grandfather said no to his dad because he was a Jr. So Stephen’s dad told his children they can by either. Guess which one he chose? Obvious, you know!
Now, I want to change how I pronounce my name to be cool like them.
Valerie Bertinelli never seems to age. Don’t believe me. Look at this empowering photo she shared of herself in just her underwear.
Along with the bathroom selfie, she wrote: “At some point I will talk about the madness my body has been through this year. But right now every lump bump wrinkle and saggy part of me just feels acceptance and simple appreciation to be standing in front of a mirror in a hotel bathroom in downtown Manhattan ready to color my roots late on a Monday night.”
Can you believe she will become a senior citizen in April? I don’t. The actress looks amazing, and it is mostly because she is comfortable in her skin. And she wants others to feel the same way.
Yesterday, we got a sneak peek of the final few episodes of the First Responders procedural. The series is going out with a bang, as in a meteor hauling its way towards Austin.
There were rumors that Lone Star was going to end with a catastrophic event, and this would totally be that.
It’s about time a show that was ending ended with everyone dying! At least, I hope that is how it ends. Not that I want them to die, but I want a program to finally have the balls to kill everyone off. Although, isn’t that how Lost ended?
Lone Star returns on January 20th and will say goodbye on February 3rd.
Disney released the first trailer for the live-action version of Snow White.
There is a reason why people have been saying it is doomed. It is not only because of all of the negative things that entitled Rachel Zegler has said about the movie she is starring in.
It is also because it looks like it is going to be so boring that it is going to put you to sleep. So that when the credits roll, the Charming Ushers are going to have to kiss everyone in the theater to wake them up.
And then there is the fact that the Wicked Queen is so much fairer than the maiden in our story.
Finally, the CGI version of the Seven Dwarves are going to give us nightmares. And this is a bad thing because the movie is going to put us in such a deep sleep that we will feel like we are living Nightmare on Elm Street during a Disney movie.
If you still want to see Snow White, it comes out on March 21st.