Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2024 » August
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BTWF: Elizabeth Banks for Arm & Hammer Advance White Toothpaste
August 12th, 2024 under Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]

Before Elizabeth Banks directed Cocaine Bear, she talked to a guy whose teeth were not cocaine white. How pretty was the 25-year-old in that Arm & Hammer Advance White Toothpaste commercial?


Watch the Travis and Silwa show react to the LA earthquake
August 12th, 2024 under Sports figures. [ Comments: none ]

I was working when all of a sudden, I felt a strong jolt. So my cat and I jumped up in fright because she doesn’t give me any warnings like an animal is supposed to do when one is going to happen.

Anyways, we were not the only ones who felt it. ESPN Los Angeles‘ Travis Rodgers, Allen Silwa, Emily Hybl, and Beto Durán also felt the ground shake while they were live doing their show Travis and Silwa. While the boys rolled with the punch, newbie Emily ducked under her desk.

Thus proving she is the smartest one of us all.

BTW my cat and I are shaken, not stirred.


A Fox animated shows’ fan’s wet dream!
August 12th, 2024 under Seth MacFarlane, The Simpsons, Wet dream. [ Comments: none ]

If you watch one animated show on Fox, then chances are you watch them all. So, how excited would you be to see the creators of four of them in one place?

Your wet dream just came true because here is (l to r) King of the Hill’s Mike Judge, Bob’s Burgers’ Loren Bouchard, Family Guy’s Seth MacFarlane, and The Simpsons’ Matt Groening.

So, as I look at them, I wonder why none of their characters look like them. You would think they would want that.


It’s officially Pumpkin Spice season!
August 12th, 2024 under Fast Food. [ Comments: none ]

It might only be mid-August and hot as hell out there, but it is not too early to celebrate Pumpkin Spice season. So Krispy Kreme officially launched it today.

“It’s August and we’re all ready for pumpkin spice, somehow. So, we’re bringing back the classics you’re craving,” said Dave Skena, Krispy Kreme Global Chief Brand Officer. “Our fans want their Krispy Kreme Pumpkin Spice Cake Doughnut and Latte right now, and we’re here for it. Stay tuned though, we’re not done spicing up the season.”

I can’t wait to see what else they will be offering because this is my favorite time of the year. It’s Halloween and Pumpkin Spice time!


Is Beth Broderick really 65?
August 12th, 2024 under Are they really their age?. [ Comments: none ]

Beth Broderick’s model agents called her and asked her if she could pose for a swimwear ad. So, she sent them a photo of herself in a white bikini.

I don’t know about you, but I can’t believe she is a 65-year-old citizen because she sure as hell doesn’t look like it. So much so that I am wondering if not only did she play a witch on Sabrina: The Teenage Witch, she actually is one. That is the only way I can explain it.

By the way, if she doesn’t get the job, then the people who turned her down need to get their eyes checked.


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