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This Simpsons did it again!
July 22nd, 2024 under The Simpsons. [ Comments: none ]

The Simpsons have a knack for predicting future events, such as the outcome of sports games. And now, hopefully, they did it again.

Back in 2000, the animated show foresaw that the first female president was going to take over from some person named Donald Trump. And that female was going to inherit a financial mess from him.

And did I mention that woman wears the same outfit as President Lisa Simpson? She does, and her name is Kamala Harris.

Hopefully, Al Jean and the other fortune tellers at the Fpx show are correct. And I am not the only one. Because Jean wrote, “@TheSimpsons ‘prediction’ I’m proud to be a part of.”

To see a clip of that episode, then click here!


Bart Simpson is Sabrina Carpenter’s aunt
July 10th, 2024 under The Simpsons. [ Comments: none ]

Are you reading that headline and are like, how can that be? Well, Nancy Cartwright, who has been voicing Bart Simpson since day one, confirmed on TikTok that Sabrina Carpenter is her niece. I am assuming that the voice actress is the sister of the singer’s mom.

What does the proud aunt think of the superstar? She says, “She’s pretty amazing!”

I love how sweet that is!


Is Yeardley Smith really 60?
July 3rd, 2024 under Are they really their age?, The Simpsons. [ Comments: none ]

Today is Yeardley Smith’s 60th birthday. Can you believe that Lisa Simpson is that old because the actress looks just like she did in 1985’s Legend of Billie Jean?

Normally, I would ask, what is her secret? But I know what it is. It is playing an 8-year-old for 35 years.


Who is going to die on this Sunday’s Simpsons?
April 19th, 2024 under The Simpsons. [ Comments: none ]

Even though The Simpsons’s characters don’t age, a lot of them have died since it launched on The Tracey Ullman Show 37 years ago today.

On Sunday, another character is going to die, according to EP Matt Selman. Will it be Homer, Bart, Marge, or Larry the Silent Barfly?

I wonder who it is going to be? Do you know?


Oh look, it’s Bart and Lisa Simpson IRL
April 8th, 2024 under The Simpsons. [ Comments: none ]

For 35 years, we have seen Bart and Lisa Simpson as animated characters on The Simpsons.

Have you ever wondered what the TV siblings look like in real life? Well, Nancy Cartwright (Bart) and Yeardley Smith (Lisa) walked a red carpet, and we got to see they get along better than their characters do.

I don’t know about you, but seeing the two voice actresses playing together, makes me so happy.


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