Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2023 » September
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Hot Links!
September 29th, 2023 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Kim Kardashian/Instagram

Kim and Kourtney’s fight makes me want to watch – Celebitchy

A Rosalyn Sanchez nip slip – The Nip Slip

Demi Moore’s boob slip – Drunken Stepfather

I would’ve dumped Kris Jenner – Farandulista

People want to watch fully nude people – Pajiba

How many presidents served second terms? – Grunge


I pity the fool who doesn’t listen to Mr. T and get the COVID booster
September 29th, 2023 under Coronavirus, Mr. T. [ Comments: none ]

As we know, there is plenty of misinformation out there about the COVID-19 vaccine. There are people who say don’t get it. But they are wrong. It will help lessen the symptoms of COVID-19 and prevent you from getting really sick with it. I know people who have long COVID, and I want to avoid that like the plague. And COVID-19 is a plague.

Because so many people are hesitant to get it due to the lies, famous people are asking people to get the shot to protect themselves and others.

Today, Mr. T, who told us not to do drugs in the ’80s, is telling us to get the COVID booster and the flu shot. I grew up watching Mr. T, so when he tells me to do something, I am going to do it. And I pity the fool who doesn’t.


BTWF: Judd Apatow on The Dating Game
September 29th, 2023 under Apatow Productions, Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]

Before Judd Apatow used his hands to write, he was using them to play music on The Dating Game. He looks so different without a beard when he was 19 in that 1986 episode.


Jimmy Fallon has something to sing about
September 29th, 2023 under Jimmy Fallon, John Mayer, Matthew McConaughey. [ Comments: none ]

Jimmy Fallon has something to say, so he wrote a song. He will be back hosting The Tonight Show on Monday after five months of solidarity with the writers from the Writers Guild of America who were on strike.

Not only did he want to tell us he is back. But he also wanted to let us know that his first guests will be Matthew McConaughey and John Mayer, who will talk to Fallon and perform. As will McConaughey if he is alright, alright, alright with that.


Another reason not to vote for Vivek Ramaswamy
September 28th, 2023 under Politics. [ Comments: none ]


via Trevor Donovan

After the debate yesterday, someone asked Vivek Ramaswamy, “What’s Jenny’s number?” And his Chat GPT malfunctioned.

So if a candidate can’t tell you Jenny’s number is 867-5309, then he shouldn’t be running.

And that is one of the many reasons why Vivek should not be running. He is that loser kid that just wants to be cool. But he is never going to be that. He needs to give it up because the only people who like him are the losers’ losers.


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