If you watched the movie version of the board game Clue and said to yourself that they don’t make movies like that anymore. It turns out there is a comedic murder mystery coming out on February 7th that will make you laugh until you…
Murder, Anyone is an exciting new horror comedy concept about manifestation; stars Kristos Andrews (“The Bay”), Galadriel Stineman (“The Middle”), Maurice LaMarche (“Pinky and the Brain”), Spencer Breslin (The Kid, Zoom), and Oscar nominee Sally Kirkland. In it, two Playwrights are tasked with creating the next avant-garde thriller; but as they write,the story comes to life, and their own emotions and arguments begin to manifest on film.
If that is not enough to make you want to see it, then the sentimental story behind it will. Director James Cullen Bressack’s movie is based on his late father Emmy-award winner Gordon Bressack’s play. Can you think of a better way to pay tribute to a late parent than by making their creation come to life?
In 2008, we fell in love with the cast of Glee. Just 12 years later, three of them would be dead. Tonight at 9p on ID, we learn about The Price of Glee and the toll it had on everyone’s life who was part of the series.
Things seemed like they were as swell for the cast of Glee as what we saw on television, but it was not. In the three-part series, we learn what it was like to work on the show. And it was a challenging job for so many reasons.
Before they got the roles, they had to audition. One actor sent in a video of him playing fake drums. One person got into a car accident on the way to their audition and was pulling glass out of their hair throughout it. And can you guess who lied about their age?
Finally, it was time for them to shoot the pilot. There was so much unknown, like if the show would succeed. However, whoever watched the episode, knew it was going to be a hit. And soon after it debuted, the cast might’ve wished it failed.
In order to be a cast member, you need to be a triple threat. But not all of the actors could sing, dance, and act. So along with filming their scenes, they had to take singing lessons, dance rehearsals, voiceover classes, and record the songs in the studio for the albums. As a result, there were times when they were working over 100 hours a week. And just when they thought they were going on hiatus, they were sent out on tour. So they were never able to rest.
If that is not enough, they were instant stars. People were jumping the fence at the studio to get closer to their favorite Glee cast member. They were afraid for their safety. So they had to build a wall between the trailers and the stage so that no one could get in. In fact, at least one actor had to move out of their house because security thought it was the safest thing to do.
But what security couldn’t protect them against was the effect it was having on them. Cory Monteith suffered from drug and alcohol addiction when he was a teenager. He was able to get himself clean long before Glee, but was the stress of being famous too much for him? The show spoke to his former roommate and people who worked on the show, and you will get to hear their take on it. Then, the hairdresser, who worked on the show, says something that will haunt you.
Something that has also haunted us is how Naya Rivera died. The show will talk to an expert who might be able to give some insight into what happened that fateful day in the river. While her father gives us insight into his daughter.
Her father talks about the time she dated Mark Salling, and he cheated on her. Were there clues that the show might’ve known about his horrible secret that led to him taking his own life?
And it is no secret that Lea Michele was not well-liked by her cast members. So what do the crew and other cast members have to say about her?
Along with all of the above, they talk about the crew members who died.
The three hours go quickly because we learned so much about their time on the show and after it ended. I left out so much, like who was the reason they went back into production so shortly after Monteith died and the effect it had on everyone but that person.
If you are a fan of Glee, you are not going to want to miss The Price of Glee tonight on ID and streaming on Discovery+.
There is a report coming to the National Enquirer that Ice T and Chris Meloni are feuding. So does Ryan Murphy have the subject for his next season of Feud?
He does not. The Law & Order: Criminal Intent wrote, “So…@FINALLEVEL [Ice T] was sent this. He was kind enough to let me know we were feuding.” And the Law & Order: SVU star responded to that Tweet with, “Just sent this email over to my guy @Chris_Meloni Clownass MFs trying to make up Drama outta thin air… WOW… MFs are really on that BS.”
Just went we thought that Stabler and Benson kissing was going to be the most exciting thing to happen in the Law & Order universe this week, we get this. Hopefully, the kiss won’t be as much of a letdown. Sorry, I like a good fight that doesn’t involve me.