Are you like me, and have you ever wondered what are the sounds, yes sounds, that make up Law & Order’s iconic dun-dun? Well, thanks to Jeopardy we know now.
During Final Jeopardy, Ken Jennings asked the contestants, “Mike Post combined the sound of a slamming jail door, an anvil & 100 men stomping on the floor for this series that debuted in 1990.”
While, I knew the answer was Law & Order, I didn’t know all of that was used to create just two notes. Did you?
Now, we know why the dun-dun is so powerful; so many sounds of force went into it.
George Santos is as much known for lying as Tommy Flanagan, the Pathological Liar is. So therefore, it makes sense that The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon, would ask Jon Lovitz to reprise his most famous character from Saturday Night Live.
Well, technically, Tommy Flanagan is now George Santos. Yeah, that’s it. That’s the ticket.
To the person who made this happen, I have two words for you! And they are thank and you.
This was not the only perfect thing about this skit. They also found the perfect song for George Santos to walk out to, and it is The Thompson Twins’ Lies, Lies, Lies. I would love to know who at Fallon is a big fan of the trio. To hear the whole song, then click here!
Leslie Jones was recently on The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon. During the interview, she revealed that she went to a psychic who drew a photo of her soulmate.
Not only did the comedian reveal that she also showed the photo of the man of her dreams.
Then, she asked the audience, “Does this look like the man can handle my caresses? Does this look like the man that’s gonna survive any type of night with me? No! No! Please, leave my Amazon package on the steps.”
Well, TikTok worked its magic and found her future husband. As soon as Sam Myerson heard what she said, he green-screened the original video and showed his reaction. Poor Sam is left brokenhearted before he even got up to the plate.
While Jones might not be his one, I am sure there are plenty of women who would like to find out if he can survive a night with them.
On another note, can someone stop me before I pay a psychic to sketch my soulmate?
In just three days, Ellen DeGeneres is going to become a senior citizen, aka the age of retirement. Something she has been doing for almost a year since she left her talk show.
So what has she been doing to keep herself from going crazy? Whatever it is, it doesn’t look like it is working.
I guess there is a rumor going around that Sam Smith and Adele are the same person because the two singers have never been photographed together.
So is Smith just Adele in drag? He tells Drew Barrymore on her talk show today that people say if you slow Adele’s music down, she sounds just like him.
Do you hear it? Because I don’t. But I do see similarities between the two. So much so that I hope he goes to see her in Vegas and takes a photo with her. This way, we can end the rumor. Unless it is not a rumor…