The first trailer is out for 80 for Brady, and it scores a touchdown with me. But then again, it had me at Sally Field, Rita Moreno, Lily Tomlin, and Jane Fonda. Seeing these four acting legends work together in one movie is all I need to be there on February 3rd!
I am sure Brady will be there too. Now that he is single and has no chance of going to the Super Bowl this year. He let his marriage end for a crappy season. Oh well, that is what his ego is all about.
On Tuesday night, #RIPJimmyFallon was trending on Twitter, even though he is very much alive. So, yesterday, Fallon started off The Tonight Show by having a gospel choir sing “He’s alive.” As he danced and sang, “I’m alive,” like he was in a revival tent.
So, if Elon Musk won’t do anything about it, this was the next best option.
Back to the host, who is very much alive, he addressed the situation later on in the show. This is not the first time it has happened to him, and you can tell he was upset about it. He was more upset for his loved ones who believed that he was really gone. And I can understand that. No one wants to be declared dead when they are not.
The only reason to watch CNN on New Year’s Eve is to see Don Lemon, Andy Cohen, and Anderson Cooper get shitfaced. However, today, Variety reported that the new head of the network wants them to be sober.
Well, tonight on Watch What Happens Live, Cohen had a message for the man who is destroying CNN. The host had the cameras zoom in as he progressively got louder with each word to say, “I just want you to know Anderson and I are going to party harder than we have ever partied before on New Year’s Eve. Do you understand me?”
And now we have something to watch on NYE. Sorry, but Ryan Seacrest, who? It is all about the shots being downed on the cable news network. That and Cooper’s giggling because you know he will be doing a lot of that with each sip! Cheers!
Jason Momoa loves wearing his Malo. And because of the traditional Hawaiian loincloth, we get to see a lot more of him, like his buttocks. Due to that fact, we got to find out he has a birthmark on his left butt cheek.
Yes, I was looking at the fifth slide that closely because he has a nice ass, and I wanted to stare at it closely. Is that wrong? And if it is, then I don’t want to be right.