Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2022 » May
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Hot Links!
May 17th, 2022 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Lisa Marie Presley will do what if Butler goes Oscarless? – Dlisted

Miley Cyrus in bed – Drunken Stepfather

Josh Gad forgot the lyrics to Let It Go – Screen Rant

Does Fox regret booking Rudy Guiliani? – Celebitchy

Why does Phil Collins hate Paul McCartney? – Grunge

She-Hulk, you don’t want to make angry…, and you did – Pajiba


Jimmy Kimmel got COVID-19 again
May 17th, 2022 under Coronavirus, Jimmy Kimmel. [ Comments: 10 ]

Jimmy Kimmel/Instagram

Jimmy Kimmel is copying Stephen Colbert. First, the CBS host got COVID-19, then the ABC host got it. Then last week, Colbert tested positive for it for the second in a month, and guess what?

“I’m such a positive person, I tested positive AGAIN. I am feeling fine,” Kimmel wrote. “The great John @Mulaney & Andy Samberg @TheLonelyIsland have graciously agreed to host @JimmyKimmelLive for me tomorrow.”

Hopefully, he will be better soon and doesn’t get coronavirus for the third time. I guess we will have to see what happens to Colber to find out what happens to Kimmel.


BTWF: Sterling K. Brown on NYPD Blue
May 17th, 2022 under Before They Were Famous, Sterling K. Brown, This Is Us. [ Comments: none ]

Before Sterling K Brown was a goody-two-shoes on This Is Us, he was the complete opposite on NYPD Blue. He looks the same now as he did when he was 27 in that 2004 episode.


Mandy Moore gives a warning before tonight’s This Is Us episode
May 17th, 2022 under Mandy Moore, This Is Us. [ Comments: none ]

Tonight is the second to last episode of This Is Us on NBC at 9p, and it is the episode where Rebecca goes to join her two husbands, Jack and Miguel, in heaven. In other words, she succumbs to her illness.

Due to this “penultimate episode”, Mandy Moore gave us a warning, “all I can say is cue the tears 😭😭😭”

As if we didn’t know that was going to be the case. If we cried for Miguel’s death, then we are so going to be blubbering idiots through the whole episode and New Amsterdam. Good thing we have the 11p news to cheer us up.


Gordon Ramsay gives the best 5-word speech!
May 17th, 2022 under Gordon Ramsay. [ Comments: none ]

Do you hate when celebrities give long-winded speeches at awards shows? The Webby Awards feel the same way. Thus, they told all the winners that they could only give a 5-word speech.

Gordon Ramsay was one of the winners, and he needs an award for Best Acceptance Speech. The MasterChef started it out with, “No! Cursing! Tonight!” Then he finished with it, “F*ck me!”

I think all awards shows should have a word limit, and they should try to top Ramsay. Although, I don’t think that is possible!


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