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Mandy Moore is having a Rapunzel
May 31st, 2024 under Mandy Moore. [ Comments: none ]

Life is imitating art for Mandy Moore. On the show This Is Us, she had two sons and a daughter, and in a few months, she will have the same at home.

The actress and her husband, Taylor Goldsmith, are already the parents of two boys, Gus, 3, and Ozzie, 19 months. Today, she announced that the two toddlers are going to be big brothers to a baby sister. Hopefully, her name will be Rapunzel.

Congrats to the Goldsmiths on the future member of their family.


Mandy Moore reveals she is lucky to be a mom
January 17th, 2024 under Mandy Moore. [ Comments: none ]

Mandy Moore and her husband, Taylor Goldsmith, are the proud parents to two boys, Gus, 2, and Ozzie, 1. However, doctors told her that her dream to be a mom might not happen.

Today, the actress shared what doctors told her and how her role on This Is Us prepared her to be the mother that she is.

I’ve always wanted to be a mom. Before bringing my two boys into the world with my love, Taylor Goldsmith, I was a mom to many many cats and at times, just as many dogs (and admittedly today, I still am) . But there was a time when I thought I might not be able to have kids. I remember when the doctor told me there was a slim chance of getting pregnant… and then lo and behold to our surprise, I become pregnant with Gus.

Motherhood is a beautiful, messy, sleepless gift and to have two kiddos under two…whew!!!‍ Playing Rebecca on This Is Us actually prepared me for it a bit — like changing a diaper for the first time and running around set with “triplets”. Being a mom on This Is Us to triplets at various stages of life and now being a mom to Gus and Ozzie, well, I’ve learned that as hard as you try and as good intentioned as you may be, it is impossible to “get it right” all of the time.

Rebecca Pearson said it best: “It’s my job to keep standing there with my arms wide open, waiting for you to maybe someday fall inside if you needed it. And if you do, I’ll love you. And if you don’t I’ll love you too — because that’s what it means to be a parent. You’ll see one day.” And to that I say, Rebecca, I see it! #ThisIsUs and #ThatWasUs That Was Us

Moore’s sons are lucky to have her as a mom because she is going to love them whether they need her hug or not. And all the time in between that.


Mandy Moore’s son has no interest in seeing Tangled
December 19th, 2023 under Jimmy Fallon, Mandy Moore. [ Comments: none ]

Last week, Hilary Duff and Mandy Moore took their children to Disneyland. While they were there, Moore took her son, Gus, to see Rapunzel and Flynn from Tangled.

In case you didn’t know, the actress is the voice of Rapunzel. So, was he impressed? Not at all.

And to further prove his lack of care about that, yesterday, when she was on The Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon asked her if the 2-year-old has seen the movie. And the This Is Us star said he keeps saying no when she asks him.

Hopefully, Ozzie will show some interest in the movie when he is a little older.

Because how sad would it be if she had kids and they didn’t care that she voiced a Disney character? At least their nursery school crushes will be impressed!

Oh, and to make things even sadder for the actress. She told Fallon that even the Disneyland Rapunzel and Flynn didn’t acknowledge that she was the voice of one of them.

Poor Mandy. I am impressed because I loved that movie. My niece even had a Tangled-themed birthday party.


Mandy Moore got tangled with Rapunzel
December 14th, 2023 under Hilary Duff, Mandy Moore. [ Comments: none ]

Hilary Duff and Mandy Moore took their families to Disneyland, and the This Is Us actress had to stop by and see herself. As in, she took gus to see Rapunzel, the character she voiced in Tangled.

Was the 2-year-old impressed? She wrote, “Gus has no idea what any of this is about. He’d be impressed if I was Lightning McQueen, but alas…..”

Moore and The Rock need to start a support group for actors who play Disney characters, and their kids are more impressed by other stars in different roles. It will be a small group, but one that is needed because no one else but them can understand their pain.


The This Is Us ladies are reunited and it feels so good!
May 29th, 2023 under Mandy Moore, This Is Us. [ Comments: none ]

It has been over a year since This Is Us ended, and I still miss watching it. However, we got a little fix because Chrissy Metz, Mandy Moore, and Susan Kelechi Watson got together for lunch.

Now we know their chemistry was real and not make believe for the cameras. And that is why we loved the show because it felt like we were watching our friends and not a bunch of actors.

On that note, when are going to see the men of This Is Us together again?


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