We all know that The Wonder Years’ Fred Savage and Boy Meets World’s Ben Savage are brothers. But have any of you seen them together? I don’t think I have.
However, now I have. Here they are, and they are working on a mysterious project together. We don’t know what it is, but I can’t wait to find out. Could it be Boy Meets The Wonder Years?
Are you interested to know what they are doing? And which brother do you think is cuter?
Sweet Magnolias is back for a second season on Netflix now, and Maddie, Helen, and Dana Sue are going to be going through a lot of changes. However, one thing that won’t change is their unbreakable bond as friends.
The second season picks up shortly after the season finale. In that episode, we found that there was a car accident, but we didn’t know who was in the car. The show picks up with Maddie (JoAnna Garcia Swisher), Helen (Heather Headley), and Dana Sue (Brooke Elliott) at the hospital. There we find out if Maddie’s sons, Kyle (Logan Allen) or his brother, Tyler (Carson Rowland), or Dana Sue’s daughter, Annie (Anneliese Judge), were in the car and how they were injured.
While their injuries are not severe, they will have lasting effects on them. So much so it will change their lives and their course for the future.
Talking about the future, one of the Sweet Magnolias is pregnant. Is it Maddie with her new boyfriend and Ty’s coach Cal (Justin Bruening)? What about Dana Sue? Are she and her estranged husband expecting baby #2? Or could it be Helen and her mystery man?
While I can’t tell you that? I can tell you that Maddie’s ex-husband’s (Chris Klein) baby with his mistress (Jamie Lynn Spears’) will make their debut.
And then there is Isaac (Chris Medlin). He is going to find out who his parents are, and the dad is going to make you drop your jaw.
If that is enough to deal with, the Sweet Magnolias are going to find out that the Mayor and his wife are doing something that is hurting the town. The three women are going to take them on, and there are going to be consequences. Will they back down?
All leading to a season finale that will leave you wanting more. So I hope Netflix gives it to us.
Sweet Magnolias lives up to the first part of its name. Sometimes, we just need a program that’s only purpose is for us to enjoy it. That is exactly what this drama is, enjoyable. A fun binge on any day. So what are you waiting for, go watch it!
Do you know the expression quality over quantity? Well, Bruce Willis doesn’t. The actor starred in eight movies that came out in 2021, which were so unwatchable, the Razzies gave him his own category. Even Nicolas Cage can’t say that. John Travolta and Sylvester Stallone each needed a whole decade to get that honor.
For $40, you can become a member and pick which one he gave his worst performance in. You can choose from American Siege, Apex, Cosmic Sin, Deadlock, Fortress, Midnight in the Switchgrass, Out of Death, and Survive the Game. I think it is going to be an eight-way tie. It is just like potato chips; you can’t just have one.
Although, you are satisfied with one viewing of their other noms like Karen, Dear Evan Hansen (it gets all my votes), and Diana: The Musical. Today is David Bryan’s (Bon Jovi’s) 60th birthday, and he wrote the music for Diana: The Musical. As a birthday gift, his musical got nine nominations, the most for this year and one more than Willis. So, I guess this is their way of singing Jovi’s Have a Nice to him.
Is 2/2/22 the 6/6/6? That is because that is the day that Kylie Jenner gave birth to her second child.
Even though the Kardashians like to share everything, Kris Jenner’s youngest child didn’t tell us anything more than the baby’s birth date, most likely because she sold all the other info to someone else like a magazine. You know, because I don’t think they ever give away anything for free.