David Alan Grier created an all-inclusive award show |
April 27th, 2021 under David Alan Grier. [ Comments: none ]
Let’s be honest; we are all so over awards shows. They are all the same thing; they leave us disappointed. However, there is one that won’t do that. What is this award show that will leave all of the nominees happy?
“BREAKING NEWS: Actor, comedian David Alan Grier has created an annual acting award called The David to awarded to himself for his best work done by himself Trophy.”
He has my vote because he was the best part of Dad Stop Embarrassing Me on Netflix. Not only does he deserve The David, but the statuette is also perfect for him. He can proudly display will all of his other awards.
Why does Anderson Cooper’s son look like Andy Cohen? |
April 27th, 2021 under Anderson Cooper, Andy Cohen. [ Comments: none ]
We know that Andy Cohen and Anderson Cooper are very close. So close that in this photo Wyatt Cooper, who just turned one, is dressed like his uncle Andy. That causes me to have so many questions that I shouldn’t have. Do you have them too?
Glenn Close reveals how this years’ Oscar moment came about |
April 27th, 2021 under Glenn Close, Oscars. [ Comments: none ]
This year’s Oscars was a complete bore except for one moment. That moment was when Lil Rel asked Glenn Close about the song Da Butt. Not only did the Oscar nominee school him on it, but she also did it for him.
So was that unforgettable moment preplanned, or was it completely spontaneous? Close explained how it all went down on Sunday night.
We had the MOST FUN at our table at the Oscars last night. Chris Terrio, one of my best friends, who won an Oscar for the screenplay of ARGO, was my gallant escort. Daniel Kaluuya and Darrell Britt-Gibson were wonderful table mates. I knew that Lil Rel was going to quiz me about Da Butt and all three guys helped me run through what I was to say. Darrell insisted that I mention the Backyard Band, on top of E.U., Suga Bear and the whole DMV. I had googled “Da Butt” and watched Spike’s music video so when Lil Rel asked if I could do the dance…you can actually see me think of the video. That part was completely spontaneous. Daniel, Darrell and Chris egged me on!!! It was ALL their fault. CONGRATULATIONS DANIEL on your BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR Oscar. You are completely brilliant. I now consider both Daniel and Darrell to be friends-for-life!
So it was planned, but it wasn’t. Either way, it worked out brilliantly for everyone but Patti LuPone. Close’s mortal enemy is probably not happy that the actress was the Belle of the Ball and not Da Butt of all jokes
Hot Links! |
April 26th, 2021 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]
Guess who wowed the Oscars in that dress? – Celebitchy
Kevin Spacey had lost it – Dlisted
Which SNLers are anti-Elon Musk hosting? – Pajiba
Demi Lovato posts a nude selfie – Drunken Stepfather
How the Oscars shot themselves in the foot – Screen Rant
Which bands do not have any original members in them? – Grunge
Nick Carter brings home his baby girl |
April 26th, 2021 under Backstreet Boys /Aaron Carter. [ Comments: none ]
Last week, Nick Carter announced that he and his wife, Lauren, welcomed their third child pm April 21st. However, there were some minor complications, so they were going to stay at the hospital a little longer.
Today, he revealed he gave an update on his newborn. “I would like to thank the amazing doctors, nurses, & staff at @southernhillshospitallv NICU for taking such good care of our baby. We know it’s not easy, especially during this time. We are so grateful for everything you’ve done for us 🙏🏻,” he wrote. “@laurenkittcarter and baby are home and doing well ❤️”
He also shared a photo with a US Weekly and told them that she is a girl. However, he did not tell them her name or what the complications were.
Hopefully, she will be able to continue to thrive now that she is home with her parents, brother Odin, 5, and sister Saoirse, 18 months.
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