Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2021 » April
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BTWF: Leslie Nielsen in Forbidden Planet
April 7th, 2021 under Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]

Before Leslie Neilsen was a lieutenant in the Naked Gun movies, he was a commander in Forbidden Planet. I can’t believe how sexy the 29-year-old was in that 1956 movie, can you?


Young Rock becomes an action star tonight
April 6th, 2021 under The Rock. [ Comments: none ]

Tonight at 8p on NBC, Old Rock, who is running for President of the United States, is dealing with the repercussions of choosing his VP (Rosario Dawson) on Young Rock. He tells Randall Park he is always loyal to his partners in crime, and he started doing that during his days at the University of Miami.

Since his grades are down, the coach tells him he has to get an on-campus job if he wants to stay at UM. He gets a job checking the emergency phones on campus to make sure they all work.

His co-worker becomes his partner-in-crime. That is because Hopkins tells him they can spend the day watching action movies instead of working. Side note, DJ, says he is a fan of Sylvester Stallone to his friend. What neither of them mentioned is that Sly went to UM for a little while before he got kicked out.

Back to the show, one of the reasons why they are able to goof is because no one checks on their work. That is until now. There is a woman who is going to check all of the phones to make sure they work. If they don’t, then he will get kicked out of school like Stallone.

Therefore, he and Hopkins go on a mad dash to check all of the phones before she does. Can they do it?

You might ask, why do I know that factoid Stallone. That is because I went to UM with DJ. Therefore, I have a lot of problems with tonight’s episode because it is full of a lot of inaccuracies. Now, you won’t know that because you didn’t go to school with us. But I don’t know why DJ allowed it to be done this way. Things that are so simple to check and ask. They mention things that did not exist on our campus, like a quad. I mean, they did do a good job of finding a school in Australia that kind of looks like our college, but it wasn’t. And I get that. But I don’t get why they made such simple errors. But I am too close to the story.

Now, I have been close to other stories that have been adapted to a screen. For example, The Newsroom gave me flashbacks to my days at CNN, and it was traumatizing. Reliving a scandal that haunted the network was not easy. Aaron Sorkin did not work at CNN (I am so grateful he did not include our meeting at the news network on the show), but he did a better job with accuracy than DJ is doing with his show.

There I said it. I am sorry, DJ, I support you, but I cannot support this episode.

Has anyone else experienced this with a production that is based on a period of your life that you lived? Tell me how I can let it go.


Get your tissues ready for Pose’s final season
April 6th, 2021 under Billy Porter. [ Comments: none ]

FX released the trailer for the final season of Pose. Pray tell; we are going to be crying with Pray Tell (Billy Porter) as he slowly loses his battle with HIV/AIDS. I mean, we don’t know that he is, but that is how I expect the series to end, with his death. I could be wrong, so I will be watching every minute, starting on May 2nd, to find out. Will you be watching with me?


Guess who that little boy grew up to be?
April 6th, 2021 under Uncategorized. [ Comments: none ]

Want to get the dirt on who that is, then click here!


Surprise, Will Forte is a dad!
April 6th, 2021 under Conan O'Brien, Will Forte. [ Comments: none ]

Will Forte has a lot of productions in the works, including a MacGruber series for Peacock, but he was working on one we didn’t know about.

Last year, when Forte was on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, his father revealed that his son is engaged to Olivia Modling. Yesterday, when the actor was on Conan, he told Conan O’Brien he and his fiancée welcomed their first child on February 15th. They had a baby girl and named her Zoe Douglas.

He is such a proud pop that he is keeping all of her momentoes, like her first diaper, umbilical cord, and nursery hat. He even showed them on the TBS show. On a positive note, at least he didn’t eat her placenta.

Seriously, he is such a sweet, doting dad. Zoe is lucky to have him as a dad, even if he sings songs from The Doors to her. Let’s just hope she doesn’t become an arsonist because he sang C’mon Baby Light My Fire to her one too many times.

On that note, Forte also talked about the time that Val Kilmer lived with him. One day the two of them spent the day singing songs from the legendary band. Oh, to have been a fly on the wall when that happened.


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