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February 23rd, 2021 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Guess whose booty that is? – Drunken Stepfather

Daft Punk are dunzo – Grunge

Ladies, we all need this app – The Cut

Who knew The Muppets were offensive – Dlisted

The Queen gets revenge on Meghan Markle – Celebitchy

What stupid thing did Meghan McCain say now? – Pajiba


Demi Lovato’s hair matches her suit
February 23rd, 2021 under Demi Lovato. [ Comments: none ]

Demi Lovato recently died her hair fuchsia, and she actually found a suit with a stipe to match it. Granted, it looks like she got it at a clown store, but it matches.


BTWF: Freddie Highmore in Women Talking Dirty
February 23rd, 2021 under Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]
Before Freddie Highmore had parent issues on The Good Doctor, he went through that in Women Talking Dirty. How cute was the 6-year-old in that 1999 movie?


Can you tell which golf cart is Lionel Richie’s and which one is Luke Bryan’s?
February 22nd, 2021 under American Idol 9+, Lionel Richie, Luke Bryan. [ Comments: none ]

Lionel Richie and Luke Bryan are hard at work on American Idol. Each of the judges needs a golf cart to get around, so the show customized it for them.

The R&B legend’s came with an afro, a mustache, sunglasses, and a vanity place that reads “hello.” While the Country star’s came with a nautical theme and plate that says “gon fishing.” Both are perfect for them.

I wonder what Katy Perry’s looks like. I bet it is loud, with a bullhorn, just like her.


AMC movie theaters in NYC will reopen on March 5th
February 22nd, 2021 under Coronavirus, Movies. [ Comments: none ]

It has been almost a year since the credits rolled at NYC movie theaters. However, that is all expected to change on March 5th. That is because Governor Andrew Cuomo announced today that they are cleared to let the popcorn start popping again on that date.

“Governor Cuomo’s announcement that movie theatres can reopen in New York City in the first week of March is another important step towards restoring the health of the movie theatre industry and of our Company. We are excited to announce that AMC, the largest movie theatre exhibitor in New York City, will reopen all 13 of our theatres in New York City beginning March 5,” Adam Aron, CEO and President of AMC Entertainment said. “We will do so with the highest devotion to the health and safety of our guests and associates through our AMC Safe & Clean policies and protocols, which were developed in consultation with Clorox and with current and former faculty at the prestigious Harvard University School of Public Health. AMC Safe & Clean includes social distancing & automatic seat blocking in each auditorium, mandatory mask wearing, and upgraded air filtration with MERV-13 air filters, as well as many other important health, sanitization and cleanliness efforts.”

One of the biggest differences for moviegoers is that a sold-out showing will mean that only 25% of the seats will be occupied. No more sneaking into the theater to catch another movie for free. You will stick out like a sore thumb.

This is great news for New York City. If movie theaters can successfully open up, then Broadway should not be far behind. Manhattan desperately needs that. The same way Hollywood needs to have movies back on the big screen.

On that note, what will be the first release? As of now, it will be Disney’s Raya and the Dragon. Tom & Jerry that opens this Friday, will be sharing the marquee with the animated film.

This is a start. Let’s hope they don’t f*ck it up.

Do you feel comfortable going back into the theater, or do you still need some time?


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