Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2020
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Hot Links!
November 2nd, 2020 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Guess who is a sexy biker? – Drunken Stepfather

RIP Sean Connery – Pajiba

The perks of Alcatraz – Grunge

A Tinder date from hell – The Cut

Where is Lori Loughlin? – Celebitchy

These strippers are working it – Dlisted

Netflix’s Christmas movies – Screen Rant

Kendell Jenner as Pamela Anderson – GCeleb


RIP Nikki McKibbin
November 1st, 2020 under American Idol 1-5. [ Comments: none ]

Nikki McKibbin passed away from a brain aneurism yesterday at the age of 42. Her widow, Craig Sadler, wrote, “Many of you already know something is wrong. The love of my life Nikki Sadler suffered an aneurysm on Wednesday. She would already be gone, but she’s an organ donor and has been kept on life support to make that possible. That shouldn’t be a surprise to us. Even at the end she is still giving. She was so loved that I know thousands of you will be grieving with us. There are only a few hours left for me to hold her hand and kiss her forehead.”

McKibbin is best known for coming in third place on the first season of American Idol. After the show, she released two albums and several singles along with starring in a few reality shows like Celebrity Rehab and its sister show Sober House.

For the latter part of her life, she lived a quiet life with her husband. However, in 2014, she joined her son, Tristen Langley, when he auditioned for American Idol.

Today, let’s remember the firey rocker by watching her performances on Idol.


Glenn Close’s scariest role since Fatal Attraction
November 1st, 2020 under Donald Trump, Glenn Close. [ Comments: none ]

If you thought Glenn Close was terrifying in Fatal Attraction when she boiled Michael Douglas’ bunny rabbit, then you will be horrified when you see what she is doing now. She dressed up as Donald Trump, and I won’t be sleeping for days. Partially, because of her costume. Mostly because of the election. Light a candle for America. We need it.

I wonder how different Trump’s life would have been had he had an affair with someone like Close’s character Alex Forrest, instead of porn stars.


Luke Bryan is cheesy
October 31st, 2020 under Halloween, Luke Bryan. [ Comments: none ]

They say you are what you eat. I say you are what wear. Luke Bryan dressed up as a block of swiss cheese, and it fits him perfectly.

Just joking! The American Idol judge is not cheesy, or is he? You decide!


Kiefer Sutherland’s dog reacts to him dressing as one
October 31st, 2020 under Kiefer Sutherland. [ Comments: none ]

Kiefer Sutherland dressed his dog up as a taco for Halloween, and the pup’s mom thought her son looked good enough to eat. Therefore, the designated survivor decided to save his pooch by dressing up as one. How did his furbaby react to it? Just like Jack Bauer, when a bomb went off in 24!

Seriously, how arfdorable are the man and his best friend?


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