Olivia Wilde and Jason Sudeikis got engaged during the holidays in 2012, but they will not be spending Christmas together this year or any other. The two have decided to end their relationship.
“The split happened at the beginning of the year,” a source close to the couple tells PEOPLE. “It’s been amicable and they’ve transitioned into a great co-parenting routine. The children are the priority and the heart of the family’s relationship.”
They have two children together, Otis Alexander, 6, and daughter Daisy Josephine, 4.
Billy Crystal was a guest on The View today, and he talked about his movie Standing Up Falling Down. As he was finishing up the interview, Joy Behar said to him, “Listen, Billy, can you give me a facial later? That is what I want to know.”
Since the hosts and the guests are all in remote locations, there was a time delay until he heard what she actually said. When he finally heard it, his mouth dropped open to the floor, and he said something unintelligible back.
Thankfully, his friend Whoopi Goldberg had his back when she told her co-host, “He can give you many things, a facial is not one of them.”
Now, I bet you are wondering why she would ask him for one on a daytime talk show? It is because he starred as a dermatologist in a movie. Although, I bet you thought he was played a porn star after that question.
Now go, picture him portraying a porn star who is giving her a facial. Why should I suffer alone?
Miley Cyrus has a new album coming out on November 27th, and today she released the tracklisting for Plastic Hearts. There are three duets on the album, and two of them are with some pretty bitchin’ legends.
One tune is with Joan Jett, and the other one is with Billy Idol. This makes total sense. She stole Jett’s hairstyle and Idol’s snarl. Seriously, they are perfect choices for her because she has their energy and vibe. I can’t wait to hear the singles.
I have to admit as happy as I am about those songs, I am disappointed she didn’t put her cover of Hall & Oates’ Maneater on the record. I actually like her take on the song.
1. WTF Do I Know
2. Plastic Hearts
3. Angels Like You
4. Prisoner featuring Dua Lipa
5. Gimme What I Want
6. Night Crawling featuring Billy Idol
7. Midnight Sky
8. High
9. Hate Me
10. Bad Karma featuring Joan Jett
11. Never Be Me
12. Golden G String
We know that Barbara Corcoran is a multimillionaire. I mean, if she wasn’t, then how else would she be able to do all of those deals on Shark Tank?
Did you ever wonder how she got so much green? She did not make it in real estate, as she has claimed. Instead, she actually made it. That’s right, and she is showing us how we can do it too.
All you need is some soil, Miracle-Gro, water, and the most important item is silver dollars. After four weeks, you will have a money tree of your own. We all heard the expression that money does not grow on trees? Well, they lied to us. It does, and now you can have one of your own.
Does anyone have any silver dollars I can borrow?
In all seriousness, they say that Jason Derulo is the King of TikTok. Well, Corcoran is the Queen of the social media app! Bow down to the Queen.
Back in 2006, Chandra Wilson uttered the word vajayjay on Grey’s Anatomy, and it is now a word in our vernacular. Did you ever wonder how it came (no pun intended) about? Cum (pun intended) on, you want to know.
Yesterday, when Ellen Pompeo was on Jimmy Kimmel Live, he asked her about carrying a penis around in a cooler on one of the episodes. That is when she shared the story about vajayjay.
During that episode, they said the word penis many, many, many times. However, ABC’s standards and practices would not let them use the word vagina. Therefore, when it came time for Wilson to say the word, she came up with vajayjay to make the men in suits happy.
By doing that, she also made us happy. Now, I want to know what other words she has cum (pun intended) up with throughout her lifetime.
Wilson is why I say Pompeo can go. I think Dr. Bailey is the real star of the show. Who doesn’t love her more?
BTW If you want to see the big reveal on last night’s episode that everyone is talking about, then click here!