Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2020
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Lady Gaga gets her own Oreo
December 2nd, 2020 under Junk Food, Lady Gaga. [ Comments: none ]

Celebrities get a lot of accolades throughout their careers. I think Lady Gaga just got one of the coolest.

Oreo is dedicating a cookie to Mama Monster in honor of her sixth studio album Chromatica. The vanilla outside will be pink and feature images from the album, while the creme will be green.

The Chromatica Oreo will be available sometime next month for a limited time.


Who else can’t stop singing Let’s Get Physical after listening to Miley’s Prisoner?
December 2nd, 2020 under Miley Cyrus, Olivia Newton-John. [ Comments: 1 ]

Miley Cyrus worked with ’80s legends Joan Jett and Billy Idol on her new album. However, I can’t stop hearing a huge hit from that era on one of her songs.

The chorus to her duet with Dua Lipa for the song Prisoner sounds a lot like Olivia Newton John’s Let’s Get Physical. I mean, am I the only one who can’t stop hearing physical, physical every time Cyrus sings prisoner, prisoner?

I find it more blatantly obvious than when Taylor Swift sampled Right Said Fred’s I’m Too Sexy in her song Look What Made You Made Me Do.

Don’t believe me. Listen to the tune from 1981, and let me hear your body talk, body talk, about the similarity.


Tara Reid asks Nicole Kidman to be in her movie via Instagram
December 2nd, 2020 under Keith & Nicole Urban, Tara Reid. [ Comments: none ]

Tara Reid has been acting since the mid-’80s, so you would think she would know how things work when you want to work with an actor. She does not.

The actress commented on a photo on Nicole Kidman’s Instagram and asked her to be in a movie franchise she is working on.

“You are truly amazing in every thing you do. I’ve b en a huge fan forever. Hopefully one day we can work together soon,” Reid wrote. “I’m producing a movie Masha’s Mushroom it staring Vivica Fox , Billy Zane, Beverly Deangelo, myself Tara Reid, Sade and others it truly an amazing script. I would love for you to read it. Shoreline and Universal are doing it. It’s a franchise of 5 films. If you can follow me so I can tell you more. Kindly,Tara”

Not only is it bad that she did that, but there are also so many typos, including her co-stars’ names. I guess she was just so excited to ask her to be in the film; she didn’t care if she made any mistakes.

Will Kidman do it? Reid could not afford her. That is the biggest hurdle she would have to overcome, along with Kidman actually reading the comment and not laughing her ass off.

On a positive note, at least Reid tried.


The good news is that Joe Manganiello no longer has the blue mohawk
December 2nd, 2020 under Jimmy Fallon, Joe Manganiello. [ Comments: none ]

Joe Manganiello got a blue mohawk to play Deathstroke. Now that he is wrapped, the mohawk is gone, as is all of his hair.

Mr. Sofia Vergara debuted his new look on The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon yesterday. What do you think of him bald? I don’t think his shaved head would look so bad if he shaved also shaved off his bushy goatee.

BTW Can we talk about how sweet his friendship is with Bubbles? I have never seen a man love a dog as much as he loves his best friend.


Hot Links!
December 1st, 2020 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Kelly Clarkson’s ex wants how much from her a month? – Celebitchy

Some good Hellraiser news – Screen Rant

Rosario Dawson completely naked – GCeleb

Vanessa Hudgens tries to be sexy – Drunken Stepfather

What did Rosario Dawson’s ex-assistant say about her? – Dlisted


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