Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2020
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Guess whose personality grew to be as big as her hair?
December 3rd, 2020 under Guess who?, Uncategorized. [ Comments: none ]

Want to see who grew up to be part of a Royal Family, then click here!


George Clooney shows off his Flowbee skills
December 3rd, 2020 under George Clooney, Jimmy Kimmel. [ Comments: none ]

George Clooney recently revealed that he cuts his hair with a Flowbee. Now, that is all any of the reporters who interview care about. Jimmy Kimmel is no different. Actually, the ABC late-night host took it one step further.

Kimmel gave Clooney a Flowbee and asked the Oscar winner to show us how to use it. Did Clooney give us a reason to bring back the ’80s haircutting device? Hell no. His hair has looked like crap since he went short. He probably gave himself that look the first time he used the thingamajig.

Does anyone remember when Clooney used to be worthy of People’s Sexiest Man Alive title? That seems like such a long time ago. Back before he started using Flowbee.


David Beckham got old looking
December 3rd, 2020 under The Beckhams. [ Comments: none ]

We really haven’t seen a lot of David Beckham recently. Therefore, we did not realize that he aged a lot. However, it was all for a good cause. He wants to get the word out that we can end malaria in our lifetime. We just have to do something about it.

To see what we can do, then click here!


Want to see what it looks like to drive a car on TV
December 3rd, 2020 under Dick Wolf. [ Comments: none ]

Have you ever watched shows like Wolf Entertainment’s Chicago PD, and been like those car chase scenes look really cool? Want to see what it looks like to the actor? Not as cool, or even cooler? You tell me.


Neil Diamond wants you for a Sweet Caroline sing-along
December 3rd, 2020 under Neil Diamond. [ Comments: none ]

Neil Diamond’s Sweet Caroline has been part of sing-alongs at his concerts, in subways, and on planes. Now, he wants to create an international one. Therefore, he is asking you to record yourself singing the song and send the video to him. Then he will make a compilation video of the winning submissions.

Here’s what you have to do:
Step 1: Grab some headphones.
Step 2: Set up either a laptop or a phone to record yourself.
Step 3: Start the record.
Step 4: Press play on the lyric video above and get singing along!
Step 5: Fill in the form on the Sweet Caroline Sing-Along page and drag and drop your video file into the box.
Step 6: Upload your video by 9th December and come back to see the results on 16th December!

I tried to record the video, but my cat was not having my singing. Since I can’t do it, do it for me.

I can’t wait to see the final product. I am sure it will be some of the much-needed happiness we are all going to need by the 16th.


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