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Is Chris Harrison out of the upcoming season of The Bachelorette?
April 27th, 2020 under The Bachelor. [ Comments: none ]

(ABC/Paul Hebert)

Clare Crawley’s season of The Bachelorette is on a pause because of the Coronavirus Pandemic, and according to Chris Harrison not all of the men might be coming back when production resumes. Therefore, they are looking for replacements.

Crawley has some advice for her suitors, “If you are doing interviews and creating Cameo accounts before you are even on my season… you are in it for the wrong reasons… #dontwasteyourtime”

When Robert Mills, Senior Vice President, Alternative Series, Specials & Late-Night Programming, ABC Entertainment, saw that he tweeted, “BREAKING: Chris Harrison removed from upcoming season of #TheBachelorette”

What? Harrison has been hosting the franchise since day one, it won’t be the same without him. It would be like Survivor without Jeff Probst, American Idol without Ryan Seacrest, RuPaul’s Drag Race without RuPaul, or So You Think You Can Dance without Nigel Lythgoe. You don’t want to watch it without some of them.

Fear not! After a few hours Harrison cleared things up. “Not sure people are getting the joke here. Thank you for the questions I’ll be getting this week. Face with tears of joy. @Millsy11374”

Mills then confirmed Harrison is still part of the show with, “I am stunned people took this seriously. This was a JOKE. Chris hosts for the right reasons but being a celebrity he does interviews and Cameo. He’s not going anywhere. We have him chained to the mansion!!!”

Just like Donald Trump, you never know when Mills is being sarcastic over Twitter.

Would you have been upset if Harrison was not given a rose?


How did no one think of Andy Dick as the Tiger King?
April 27th, 2020 under Andy Dick. [ Comments: none ]

Andy Dick/Instagram

We have all been wondering who could play the Tiger King in the eventual TV movie. Some have said Rob Lowe, but no one has suggested Andy Dick.

Wouldn’t he be perfect? Don’t believe me, look at this photo he shared as Joe Exotic? He is Joe Exotic in every sense of the way. He doesn’t even have to act, he can just be himself.

Lifetime needs to make it happen!


Donald Fasion with hair
April 27th, 2020 under Bad Hair, Donald Faison. [ Comments: none ]

Donald Faison/Instagram

Ever since Donald Faison was on Scrubs, the top of his head was scrubbed clean like Mr. Clean. However, the same cannot be said during the quarantine, because the actor has grown out his hair and beard.

In fact, he said, “I’ve been drinking… I refuse to shave my head or face till this thing is over…. holler if ya hear me!!! #nofilter.”

Do you think he should keep it this way, or should he get the razor? I say let it grow out!


Hot Links!
April 27th, 2020 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Who looked better younger? – Dlisted

Who has big cleavage? – Drunken Stepfather

Which couple is Coronavirus’ first victim? – Pajiba

Is the Fraiser revival still happening? – Screen Rant

Which talk show is doing the worst home edition? – Celebitchy


Who gets fired on tonight’s Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist?
April 26th, 2020 under Alex Newell, NBC, Peter Gallagher, Ted Danson Mary Steenburgen, Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist. [ Comments: none ]

Tonight’s Zoey Extraordinary Playlist brings the tears on tonight’s episode, but the music makes everything seem better.

As Jane’s (Jane Levy) father (Peter Gallagher) gets closer to losing his brave fight with his illness, his family goes funeral shopping. Jane, her mom (Mary Steenburgen) and her brother (Andrew Leeds) go to a cemetery to take a look at their options. They meet (Paul Feig, Executive Producer) and he gives them the hard sell. It is really hard on Maggie (Steenburgen) and she just gotta get out of that if it’s the last thing she ever does.

Maggie tells Zoey it is just too hard, and she doesn’t know what to do because she doesn’t know anyone who has been through it. Zoey goes back to the funeral home and meets a widow (Bernadette Peters), who doesn’t seem that sad. Zoey asks her if she will help her mom through this process. After watching Steenburgen and Peters share the screen together, I want them to share the stage in a musical.

Zoey is able to help her mom, but she needs help with the bake-off over Chirp. Now that Max (Skylar Astin) and Leif (Michael Thomas Grant) are working on the 6th floor, Zoey’s team is down 2 people. Do they even have a chance of winning?

Leif is still broken-hearted over losing his love, Joan (Lauren Graham), his boss, and sings her a sad song. He is not the only one because Max is telling Zoey, bye, bye, bye.

There is one more person whose heart gets broken tonight, Mo (Alex) breaks up with Mo’s boyfriend.

All of this leads to someone getting fired from SPRQPoint. Guess who?

I don’t know what makes me sadder, the sad songs, or that next week is the season finale. I am going with the latter. I don’t want this show to end because it is my new favorite show on television. I just love it so much!


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