Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2019
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What is what made Alex Trebek get all choked up on Jeopardy?
November 12th, 2019 under Jeopardy. [ Comments: 1 ]

Yesterday on Jeopardy, Dhruv Gaur did not know the answer to the Final Jeopardy question. Therefore, he wrote a sweet message to the host that reads, “What is we ❤️ you, Alex!” When Alex Trebek read that, you can hear him get chocked up by the very touching (and accurate) sentiment.

While Gaur did not win the game, he did win all of our hearts! He truly is a nice guy because he tweeted this after the show aired, “I’m just very grateful I got the opportunity to say what I know everyone was thinking. Sending all the love.” So are we!


What do you think of the new Sonic the Hedgehog trailer?
November 12th, 2019 under Movies. [ Comments: none ]

Six months ago, Paramount released a trailer for their live-action animated version of Sonic the Hedgehog and people detested it. They were running away from it faster than Sonic taking a brisk walk because they hated the way he looked.

Well, they listened and softened him up. Today, we got to see their new take on an old favorite. What do you think? This movie is perfect for Valentine’s Day because I am in love. It looks like it is a great film for kids and kids of all ages like me. Since I won’t have a Valentine, I will take my friends’ kids to see it with me instead.

If you did not see the original trailer and want to, then click here!


Harry Styles style of running is so cute!
November 12th, 2019 under Harry Styles, One Direction, Saturday Night Live. [ Comments: none ]

Harry Styles is going to be on Saturday Night Live this Saturday and their social media team asked him to do a little something for them. As soon as he found out what they wanted, he ran away faster than Forrest Gump ran from those brats. Just not as forcefully as Tom Hanks did in that Oscar-winning movie.

The story of his running is what makes him beautiful to us.

Hopefully, Lorne Michaels will see this and just have a sketch where all the Kiwi singer does is run. I could watch him do that for 5 minutes straight. What about you?


Hilaria Baldwin suffers another miscarriage
November 12th, 2019 under Alec Baldwin. [ Comments: none ]
Back in April, Hilaria and Alec Baldwin revealed that she had suffered a miscarriage. Then in September, the couple shared the happy news that baby #5 was on the way. Sadly, Hilaria posted on Instagram yesterday that this baby was also not meant to be.

Mrs. Baldwin posted a video telling her only daughter Carmen Gabriela that the baby sister she was looking forward will not be coming in 5 months likes they thought. The little girl comforted a mother with a sweet kiss. Someday, Carmen will be the best big sister that a girl could ask for.

The Baldwins also have 3 sons: Rafael Thomas, 3, Leonardo Ángel Charles, 2, and Romeo Alejandro David, 10 months.


Hot Links!
November 11th, 2019 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]


Guess who is showing a lot of leg? – Dlisted

Dogs are pussies – The Cut

Cats is in trouble – Celebitchy

A shocking Simpsons secret – ScreenRant

Lots of cleavage the People's Choice Awards – Drunken Stepfather


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