Supergirl and Shazam! |
October 29th, 2019 under DC Comics, Zachary Levi. [ Comments: none ]

Supergirl and Shazam are two of the childlike superheroes in DC Universe, so it makes you wonder why they have not gotten their own movie to fight crime? Maybe they execs will consider it after they see the two actors who played the roles on the big screen posing together. Why couldn’t Shazam 2 have Zachary Levi working with Helen Slater take down the bad guys? The DC TV shows are loyal to the OGs, why can’t the movies be the same way?
Do Courteney Cox and David Beckham have something to tell us? |
October 29th, 2019 under Courteney Cox, Do they have something to tell us?, The Beckhams. [ Comments: none ]
Courteney Cox and David Beckham were seen in a hot tub together, so do they have something to tell us and their lovers? Yes, but not that. They are both going to be on an episode of Modern Family together. We just do not know what leads to this photo. However, I am sure it was really hard for them to film this scene. Not!
Tom Bergeron gives good head! |
October 29th, 2019 under Dancing with the Stars, Tom Bergeron. [ Comments: none ]
Yesterday was Halloween night on Dancing with the Stars and everyone dressed up for the occasion. There was one person that was heads and shoulders above the rest and it was host Tom Bergeron. That is because he went as a head on a platter. Something that, thankfully, the network has not asked for. You know his head on a platter!
Hot Links! |
October 28th, 2019 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]
Is that Heidi Klum's pussy? – Drunken Stepfather
He is the father! – Dlisted
It's Bradley Cooper's daughter – Pajiba
More reasons to hate Kanye West – Celebitchy
Would you watch a movie 50% faster? – ScreenRant
BTWF: Shannon Elizabeth on Hang Time |
October 28th, 2019 under American Pie, Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]
Before Shannon Elizabeth was hanging with the American Pie gang, she was on Hang Time. She looks the same now as she did when she was 22 in that 1996 episode.
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