Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2019 » September
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BTWF: Eve Plumb on Lassie
September 5th, 2019 under Before They Were Famous, The Brady Bunch, Uncategorized. [ Comments: none ]

Before Eve Plumb had a dog named Tiger on The Brady Bunch, she had one she called Whiskers on Lassie. She was so little and cute when she was 9 in that 1967 episode,


What better way to celebrate football’s 100th year, than with Betty White
September 5th, 2019 under Betty White, Sports figures. [ Comments: 4 ]

The National Football League is 100 years old. To celebrate the milestone they got someone just as old to promote it. Betty White. Because when I think of football, I think of her. Well, I think of that Snickers ad that ran during the Super Bowl. But you know what I meant.

Anyways, when I think of 100, I do think of Ms. White since she is the oldest celebrity we know. Therefore, NBC and the NFL made the wise choice. Plus, who doesn’t love having her back on our televisions again? She is as much as a treasure as football itself.

She is a much bigger one! But don’t those pig skin loving people I said that.

Watch the game tonight and Sundays on NBC!


Nicki Minaj says she is retiring
September 5th, 2019 under Nicki Minaj. [ Comments: none ]

Nicki Minaj announced today that she is done with music for the time being. Actually, she wrote, “I’ve decided to retire & have my family. I know you guys are happy now. To my fans, keep reppin me, do it til da death of me, ❌ in the box- cuz ain’t nobody checkin me. ✅ Love you for LIFE 😘 ♥️ 🦄”

At just the age of 36, she is one of the best selling artists of all time with nearly 100 million records sold. Therefore, if she wants to retire to be a mom with her “husband” Kenneth Petty, then she can afford to do so.

Not to sound like a pessimist, but after they break up, which they will, she will be back doing music again making us all happy. Thus, as upsetting as the news is, I don’t expect it to be for too long. I bet you she and Ed Sheeran will be back doing music again around the same time.


Guess who that baby girl grew up to be?
September 5th, 2019 under Guess who?. [ Comments: none ]

Want to see who could only say yada yada yada at that time, then click here!


Mad About You fans have something to be thankful for this Thanksgiving
September 5th, 2019 under Helen Hunt, Spectrum. [ Comments: none ]
For over a year, Paul Reiser tried to find a home for Mad About You. Finally, Spectrum decided to save the day and picked up the show as a limited series.

Today, they announced that the first 6 episodes of the show will debut on November 20th and the latter six will come out on December 18th. Not only that all 164 episodes are available now to watch on Spectrum OnDemand.

What can we expect from the 12 episodes? “The series will explore the fertile ground of modern marriage through the eyes of the Buchmans as newly minted empty-nesters after dropping their unpredictable, hard-to-control daughter Mabel (Abby Quinn) off at college.” John Pankow and Richard Kind reprise their roles as Ira Buchman and Dr. Mark Devanow.

With all the blood, sweat and tears that Helen Hunt and Reiser put into this revival, I hope it is good. Which I am assuming it will be.


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