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What did Jimmy Fallon describe as ‘smaller than you think’?
September 6th, 2019 under Jimmy Fallon, The Kardashians. [ Comments: none ]

Yesterday on The Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon and Kendall Jenner played Pour It Out. The game is quite simple. There are three shots on top of coasters. On those coasters is a question. They have to answer the question out loud that they just read to themselves. Then after they do that, they have to reveal the question to the audience or drink the shot.

Jenner’s questions were boring. However, the NBC host gave an answer that he had no choice but the reveal the question. That is because his answer was “smaller than you think.” Which made us all think he was referring to his microphone. And I am not talking the one he talks into.

But that was not the question. He was describing what it was like when he first saw Madonna. When it comes to that other thing, he said it is “tiny and perfect,” just like Madonna.


Is darkness coming to Harry Potter?
September 6th, 2019 under Harry Potter. [ Comments: none ]

J.K. Rowling sent a cryptic tweet which makes us wonder what is next in the world of Harry Potter. The author posted the above photo of Voldemort’s dark mark and wrote, “Sometimes, darkness comes from unexpected places #HarryPotter #CursedChild”

What that means, has fans guessing. Is it a new play? A new book? Merchandise? We don’t know. We do know we cannot wait to find out what is next for the Harry Potter franchise.


Did this New Amsterdam first look reveal who will survive?
September 6th, 2019 under Ryan Eggold. [ Comments: none ]

When New Amsterdam ended its first most excellent season, three of the characters’ lives were left in peril. We will not know who will survive and who will not until the season premiere on September 24th. Or will we know now?

In the season finale, Max (Ryan Eggold) was rushing his wife (Lisa O’Hare) and their newborn child to the hospital in an ambulance along with Dr. Bloom (Janet Montgomery) and Dr. Sharpe (Freema Agyeman). Just as they were almost there, they were hit by another ambulance. Max was seen holding his baby as he walked next to his injured wife who was being rolled in on a gurney. We did not know the fate of her and the other two doctors. All we knew is that Max was OK.

After patiently waiting months to find out what happens next, NBC is giving us the first look at season 2. They already told us someone will die, but of course, they will not tell us who. Although this promo seems to give us some hints.

Eggold says that we will get the answers within the first minutes of its return. Not only that, the show will jump back and forth between a few months later and the day of the accident.

Is it his wife who almost died during delivery? Is it, Dr. Bloom who just came back from rehab for pill addiction and wants to quit medicine? Or Dr. Sharpe for no reason at all.

We get just glimpses of what is going to happen, but not enough to tell a story. However, there is one frame that makes me think we might know who dies. That frame is Max looking uninjured holding his baby, which makes me think it is his wife who dies. Unless that was just a dream sequence and the father, who is battling cancer, wonders what life will be like when he is healthy?

Am I right? We will find out in 18 days when last season’s best new show returns with all-new episodes.

On a serious note, how did Ryan Eggold’s face not get an Emmy nom? It needs its own category.


Hot Links!
September 6th, 2019 under Uncategorized. [ Comments: none ]


Who is that sexy man now? – Dlisted

Best Bridesmaid dress ever – Pajiba

Jenny McCarthy in a bikini – Drunken Stepfather

Who is coming back to Supernatural? – ScreenRant

Khloe Kardashian has another new face – Celebitchy



Demi Lovato proudly shows off her cellulite
September 5th, 2019 under Demi Lovato. [ Comments: none ]

Demi Lovato has been through a lot in the last 13 months since she ODed. Now that she is healthier person, she has a healthier body to go with it. She did not want to have her new curves on diaplay at first. However she is finally ready to show it off as it and she explained why.

This is my biggest fear. A photo of me in a bikini unedited. And guess what, it’s CELLULIT!!!! I’m just literally sooooo tired of being ashamed of my body, editing it (yes the other bikini pics were edited – and I hate that I did that but it’s the truth) so that others think I’m THEIR idea of what beautiful is, but it’s just not me. This is what I got. I want this new chapter in my life to be about being authentic to who I am rather than trying to meet someone else’s standards. So here’s me, unashamed, unafraid and proud to own a body that has fought through so much and will continue to amaze me when I hopefully give birth one day. It’s such a great feeling to be back in tv/film while not stressing myself with a strenuous workout schedule before 14 hour days, or depriving myself from a real birthday cake rather than opting for watermelon & whip cream with candles because I was terrified of REAL cake and was miserable on some crazy diet shit. Anyway, here’s me, RAW, REAL! And I love me. And you should love you too! Now back to the studio.. I’m working on an anthem.. 🙏🏼🙌🏼🤷🏻‍♀️ also. Just so everyone’s clear.. I’m not stoked on my appearance BUT I am appreciative of it and sometimes that’s the best I can do. I hope to inspire someone to appreciate their body today too. 💗 #nationalcelulliteday #celluLIT 🔥🔥🔥

Good for her. We are not all a size 0 and we should be happy in our bodies no matter what size dress we wear.


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