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Ryan Eggold goes blonde
February 14th, 2023 under Ryan Eggold. [ Comments: none ]

Now that New Amsterdam is over, Ryan Eggold has more freedom to change up his look. So he decided to go blond.

I don’t know about you, but I am getting a James Dean vibe from him. It could be the t-shirt, but he definitely has a Rebel Without a Cause feel going on.

What do you think of his new hair?


New Amsterdam starts the year off with a bang
September 21st, 2021 under New Amsterdam, Ryan Eggold. [ Comments: none ]

New Amsterdam is back on NBC tonight at 10p, and they are literally starting the season off with a bang. As in, someone is blowing up wards in the hospital. That is not the only thing heating up in this episode, so is Max (Ryan Eggold) and Helen’s (Freema Agyeman) relationship.

Before we get to that, because that is all you want to know, let’s talk about the person who is setting off bombs in New Amsterdam. No one knows who this mystery person is, but they need to find him fast. Therefore, Iggy (Tyler Labine) goes to a dark place to get insight into who might be doing this. Is he mentally up for doing this after all he went through in the season finale with the patient who became dangerously obsessed with him?

Meanwhile, Bloom (Janet Montgomery) is obsessed with her new girlfriend. So much so, she tells all of the new ED residents, which includes her lover (Shiva Kalaiselvan), that they are dating. How will that reveal affect Leyla Shinwari’s residency?

I guess now I can tell you about Helax. They are still together, but she wants to leave NYC and be closer to her family. She has an offer overseas, and Max is going to do everything he can to make their love affair work. How far will they go? That will be answered in the final seconds of the show.

I forgot how much I loved this show until I watched this episode. I watch almost all of the medical dramas on broadcast TV, and this one is by far the best. If you are not watching, now is an excellent time to start.


Ryan Eggold reveals he had COVID-19
September 21st, 2020 under Coronavirus, Ryan Eggold. [ Comments: none ]

Ryan Eggold might play a doctor on New Amsterdam. However, in real life, he recently became a patient when he tested positive for coronavirus. The actor explained why he decided to come forward about his diagnosis now.

What better way to celebrate 400K on IG than to share with you my friends that I had #COVID19 and am okay thankfully and recently went to @mountsinainyc to donate plasma! My experience of the virus was something similar to the flu, I never had trouble breathing fortunately, but I know many others have had different, more severe experiences and my heart goes out to those who have. I think in this crazy time it’s important to figure out what concrete steps we can take to help get everyone through this. Let’s be smart not afraid. Mt. Sinai and many other hospitals are doing this amazing thing which you can read more about in the LINK IN BIO. They’re collecting plasma from folks like me who’ve had it and recovered in an effort to distill the antibodies into a more concentrated form to help treat other folks and protect our much needed frontline workers. It’s called #HyperimmuneGlobulin So if you’ve recovered from Covid I highly recommend donating your plasma. Took about an hour and was relatively painless. I don’t believe in any politician as much as I believe in people and our ability to help each other when times are tough. I’m excited for the day when we can get back to human connection, people working to feed their families and pay their rent, kids back in school… not to mention all those beautiful things that make life extraordinary like a good meal out with friends, live music, theatre, sports… all that fun stuff. And we will. With the help of amazing folks like the health care workers at Mt Sinai. I had hoped to include a few pictures of the staff who helped me but Dr. Choo bravely declined any Instagram glory 🙂 But THANK YOU Dr. Choo, Crystal, Katherine, Merle and all the amazing folks at Mt. Sinai working tirelessly to help us all get through this. Let’s get back to caring about other important things as much as we care about coronavirus. If you’re on the other side of this and you feel up to it, go donate! 🙂 Stay safe, stay smart, stay connected. And thanks 400K I’m honored to be a part of your community. Thanks for having me 💛

If you had COVID-19, then please donate covalescent plasma. You might be able to save a life. What better gift than that?

Eggold is the second actor from the NBC medical drama to test postive for it. Daniel Dae Kim tested positive early on in the pandemic.


Ryan Eggold looking sexy. That’s all.
August 19th, 2020 under Ryan Eggold. [ Comments: none ]

Ryan Eggold/Instagram

We are months away from New Amsterdam gracing our televisions again. However, that does not mean we have to go without seeing Ryan Eggold and his expressive face until then.

The sexiest television doctor shared a photo of himself waiting to catch a train, and all I can say is, “toot, toot.” Who knew someone could look that good waiting for a train? I met my prom date on one, and even he didn’t look that fine.

Now, I really want New Amsterdam back. Since we are not getting it for the foreseeable future (damn you, COVID-19), NBC is giving us the medical drama Transplant, which was transplanted from Canada, on September 1st to hold us over. It is not NA, nothing is, but it is pretty close.


New Amsterdam pulls its epidemic episode with Daniel Dae Kim
March 25th, 2020 under Coronavirus, Ryan Eggold. [ Comments: none ]

New Amsterdam is based on NY’s Bellvue Hospital, a real-life hospital that is going through hell right now during the Coronavirus.

The show was expected to fictionalize an episode with their hospital being hit by a flu epidemic, and Daniel Dae Kim, who tested positive for COVID-19, plays a patient on it. He is not the only member of the show’s family to test positive. In light of everything going on, it will not be one of the remaining episodes that airs this season.

New Amsterdam creator, executive producer, and showrunner Schulner explained the decision to Deadline, “The world needs a lot less fiction right now, and a lot more facts.

“We showed what happens when our hospital has to erect tents in the parking lot because every bed is taken.” Something NYC is actually seeing on their streets today.

New Amsterdam will air repeats at 9p for the next two weeks and then the season finale will air on April 14th at that time. The epidemic episode is expected to air at a different date.


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