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Watch a woman marry her dog on live TV
July 30th, 2019 under This Morning. [ Comments: none ]

Elizabeth Hoad is unlucky in love and she is dog tired of dating. In the last 13 years, she has been on over 200 dates and has had 4 failed engagements. Exactly a year ago today, she met the man who she could see settling down with. Today she married that special fella, who she has puppy love for, live on This Morning.

Only thing is that man, who is also her best friend, is her rescue dog, Logan. The two of them saved each other and spend all of their time together. Even her friends noticed it and told her she should marry him. Therefore, she did.

Allison Hammond presided over the nuptials and she could not hold a straight face as she barked out the vows. It was really ruff for her. However, Hoad took the wedding very seriously. Eventually, they were woman and dog.

I guess, if they say all men are dogs, there is nothing wrong with marrying one. As long as you don’t consummate the marriage.

Would you marry your pet? My friend asked me if I would marry my kitty? I said, “No, she is too catty. She would divorce me and take all of my money.”

When it comes to this segment, I wish the morning shows on this side of the pond did stuff like this more often. Since they don’t, I am glad that This Morning is available for us to watch on YouTube.


Is that how Jeff Goldblum and Andie McDowell sound during sex?
July 30th, 2019 under James Corden, Jeff Goldblum. [ Comments: none ]

Jeff Goldblum was on The Late Late Show yesterday and James Corden asked him about the elephant impression that he does. However, you cannot question him about it, you also have to ask the actor to do it. Which the sex symbol was more than happy for us to hear. I don’t know about you, but I was nuts for it. It is something I will soon not forget.

Then the CBS host asked his other guest if she can make any animal sounds. Andie MacDowell can so she demonstrated for us how she can howl like a grizzly. It was too much for me to bear.

So much so, I have to wonder if that is what they sound like when their lovers take them to the extreme they rock a mic like a vandal.

On that note, Goldblum and Corden went head to head in Drop the Mic. Only one man was left saying, “Help me!” To see who it is, then click here!


Jennifer Love Hewitt shows off her face at 40
July 30th, 2019 under Jennifer Love Hewitt. [ Comments: none ]

Back in February, Jennifer Love Hewitt turned 40 and she is not letting the number get her down. The mom of 2 wrote, “This is 40. Tired. Grateful. Not always secure. Open. Vulnerable. In love with life. Mom. Wife. Sister. Friend. Entertainer. Student of the universe. Hard on myself. Liking more who I become. Blessed. Happy. But not every moment. Sending love and light. #gratitudeistheattitude #findthesunlight” Amen!

Not only is she embracing her fourth decade on Earth, but she is also loving her face as it is. She shared a photo of herself without any makeup on and she looks just like did when she was on Party of Five. No need for her to call 9-1-1 for a beauty emergency.


Jennifer Lopez reveals she has never driven a car
July 30th, 2019 under J-Lo. [ Comments: none ]

Jennifer Lopez turned the big 5-0 on the 24th and Alex Rodriquez got her an expensive car for her birthday. There is only one thing her fiance’ forgot, the singer has never driven a car. She admitted that it is one of the few things she does not how to do just before she took her new baby out for a drive.

Which means not only did she fake being back in The Bronx when she filmed that Fiat ad, she also pretended that she knows how to drive. Which is probably why they faked that Jenny was back in the block.

Now, here is something rare that I will do, but I will come to her defense. Like her, I grew up in Da Bronx. Had I not gone to college in Miami, I might not have learned how to drive. It is just not something you need to do in NYC. However, she is not too old to learn how to do it. If Ozzy Osbourne can do it at when he was 60, then what is stopping her because she is 10 years younger than he was. Especially in Florida where no one knows how to operate a vehicle. I can say that because I lived there.

J-Lo if you don’t want to take driving lessons and don’t want the car, I would be more than OK with you re-gifting the car to me! Free of charge of course.


Hot Links!
July 30th, 2019 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: 1 ]


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