Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2019 » April
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April 18th, 2019 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]


Spoiler photos from Game of Thrones – Celebitchy

WTF is going on here? – Dlisted

Aly and AJ Michalka are naked – The Nip Slip

Jessica Simpson in a see-thru shirt – GCeleb

Demi Lovato is looking chunky – Drunken Stepfather

Did Robert Downey Jr. spoil Avengers: Endgame? – ScreenRant


Did Jennifer Garner really turn 47 today?
April 18th, 2019 under Are they really their age?, Jennifer Garner. [ Comments: none ]

Today is Jennifer Garner’s 47th birthday and she shared a makeup free Selfie. Looking at the birthday girl au naturel, she looks more like she is going on 13 as compared to 30 let alone 3 years from turning 50. Those Neutrogena skin products really are working for her.


BTWF: Gabrielle Union on City Guys
April 18th, 2019 under Before They Were Famous, Gabrielle Union and Dwyane Wade, Saved by the Bell/City Guys. [ Comments: none ]

Before Gabrielle Union was one of LA’s Finest, she was dating the finest guy on City Guys. She has not aged a day since she was 24 in that 1997 episode.


Last Man Standing is still standing
April 18th, 2019 under Tim Allen. [ Comments: none ]

ABC cancelled Last Man Standing, but after a year off Fox picked it up for a seventh season. Today, the latter announced that the Tim Allen sitcom is doing so well that they want it for another season.

Which makes you wonder if ABC is kicking themselves for not renewing this show. Especially since LMS does better in the ratings than almost all of their comedies. I think they are.

LMS joins 9-1-1, The Resident, Bob’s Burgers, Family Guy and The Simpsons.


The Denver Zoo welcomed a baby sloth!
April 18th, 2019 under Animals. [ Comments: none ]

No matter what type of day you are having, it will be a little better after you see pictures of a baby sloth. On April 11th, the Denver Zoo welcomed a baby sloth and now they are sharing photos of it with its mom. As of now, they do not know its sex, so they have not given it a name just yet.

If it is a girl, they should name it after Kristen Bell. Although, that might be too much for the actress to handle.

The addition is Charlotte and Elliott’s second child. They already have a daughter named Baby Ruth.


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