Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2019 » March
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Shut up and dance to this Walk the Moon cover of an Adele song
March 4th, 2019 under Adele, Jimmy Fallon, Walk the Moon. [ Comments: none ]
The other day Walk the Moon was on The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon. After they were done performing on the NBC late night show, they asked them to do a cover of their choice.

They pop group chose to Adele’s Someone Like You and made it their own. They started out harmonizing the first verse perfectly and then they added in some instruments to make the melancholy song less sad.

It is a much different take than the original, but it is just as beautiful. It doesn’t reach into your core and rip out your heart, but it helps you remember a past relationship fondly instead of with heartbreak.

I remember when my friend heard the Dixie Chick’s cover of Landslide, he said it takes 3 singers harmonizing to equal the power of Stevie Nicks’ voice. That is kind of how I felt about Walk the Moon doing Adele because she has one of the most powerful voices ever to grace our ears.


Does this Cardi B/Bruno Mars song, that gets you in the mood, please you?
March 4th, 2019 under Bruno Mars, Cardi B. [ Comments: none ]

We all have songs that get us in the mood for sex. Marvin Gaye was the king of the genre. Although, his songs, as sexy as they are, are still PG-13.

Cardi B and Bruno Mars take it up a notch with their single Please Me because it needs to be rated R. After listening to it, I need a man to do what the song title says to do. Seriously, are you as turned on as I am?

Poison might have sung Talk Dirty to Me, but this song really does it.


Single Parents take on Baby Shark in this promo
March 4th, 2019 under ABC. [ Comments: none ]
Anyone who has a kid in their life hates the earworm song Baby Shark. Therefore, imagine a show full of first graders and how their parents would react to that catchy song that just won’t die. That is exactly what ABC did in this promo for their highlarious sitcom Single Parents that you are not watching Wednesdays at 9:30p.

Why aren’t you watching? This the funniest new sitcom of the season. It is one of the shows about families and the reality of how much it sucks to be a single parent. Thankfully, they have each other and plenty of wine. You don’t have to have kids to enjoy this show, you just have to enjoy laughing to adore this comedy as much as I do.


Hot Links!
March 3rd, 2019 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]


Which child star is all grown up? – Dlisted

A Miley Cyrus nip slip – The Nip Slip

Is this one of the worst SNL performances? – Pajiba

How heavy were the Masked Singer masks? – The Cut

The Queen of Spain shows monarchs how it's done – Celebitchy

Was Michael C Hall not available to play Jim Jordan? – ScreenRant


Good Girls is the female empowering show we need!
March 3rd, 2019 under Jessica Chastain, NBC. [ Comments: none ]
For decades, it has been the boys who commit the crimes, but NBC’s Good Girls changed that. Tonight at 10p, Beth (Christina Hendricks), her sister Annie (Mae Whitman) and their friend Rubi (Retta) are back and Detroit will never be safe again from housewives.

When we last left off, Beth’s husband Dean was being held at gunpoint by Rio (Manny Montana) and she had a gun of her own. Shortly after the episode starts off, we will find out what she does next.

We also get to find out how police officer Stan (Reno Wilson) reacts to finding out his wife is a criminal. She choose the life of crime to help pay their daughter’s never-ending medical bills. Will that sway him or will he arrest her and her friends?

Meanwhile, Annie (Mae Whitman) is sleeping with her baby daddy who is trying to make a baby with his wife. They need to keep her affair secret from everyone, especially their daughter Sadie (Isaiah Stannard), who identifies as a boy.

If that is not enough, they still need money. How are they going to get it? You know these three women will find a way. Will Rio let them be out on their own?

Coming up this season, there will be a death, a baby, betrayals, change in power, sex with and without someone, fights and so much more.

I would say sit back and relax, but this show keeps on the edge of our seats. It truly is the show us women need because it shows our men when we are bad, we are even better Good Girls.


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