Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2019 » March
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Shazam makes superhero films fun again
March 5th, 2019 under DC Comics, Zachary Levi. [ Comments: none ]

Over the last few decades, superhero movies and shows have gotten darker and darker. That is about to change with Shazam when it comes out on April 5th. This film is making them fun again. A trend that I hope continues because I am tired of all of the doom and gloom. Superheroes are supposed to give us hope, not despair.


Speechless’ Micah Fowler can stand on his own!
March 5th, 2019 under Speechless. [ Comments: none ]

Micah Fowler not only plays a person with cerebral palsy on Speechless, but he also has it. Yesterday, he shared the above photo and revealed a big accomplishment he has been making. He explained, “I have the day off so I’m practicing my balance against the wall! Been working hard with my trainer this season! #progress 😃” Unbelievable progress!

Today, is his 21st birthday and he has so much more to celebrate than being able to drink legally, he also gets to celebrate this huge achievemnt.

I don’t know the actor personally, but I am so proud of him. I love his never give up spirit. We can all learn from him and we should.


The Bad News Bears got together to remember Kristoff St. John
March 5th, 2019 under Reunions, The Two Coreys. [ Comments: none ]

Back in 1979, Kristoff St. John was one of The Bad News Bears on the TV series. Yesterday, his teammates got together to remember their friend that passed away on February 3rd.

Billy Jayne (formerly Jacoby), Corey Feldman and Meeno Peluce all showed up to say goodbye to a lifelong friend along with Jason Lively and Chef Kevin Roberts. Feldman described the moment as, “TOUGH DAY, BUT A BITTERSWEET REUNION: 2 DAY WE BURIED MY DEAR FRIEND @kristoffstjohn IT WAS A MOVING & EMOTIONAL CEREMONY.” Then he added, “R HEARTS STAND UNITED AS 1, IN MEMORY OF A GREAT MAN, & A GR8 FRIEND! HE WILL B GREATLY MISSED! WE LOVE U KRISTOFF!”

While their show lasted only 26 episodes, their friendship lasted for 40 years. Says a lot about the bond between child actors and Little League baseball players.

To see how they looked back in the day on the show, then click here!


Topher Grace posts the saddest video
March 5th, 2019 under That '70s Show, Topher Grace. [ Comments: none ]

Last week, Topher Grace brought smiles to the World when he posted a trailer for all of the Star Wars movies. Yesterday, he posted a video that made me cry. He went to the mall, and his favorite store closed down. Normally, a cookie would make him feel better, but since it was a Mrs. Fields that shut its gate, all he could do was mope.

We all know his pain. For me, it is every time I can no longer smell the sweet scent of a Bath and Body Works at the mall. What store is it for you?


Hot Links!
March 4th, 2019 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]


Guess who is showing off her legs? – Celebitchy

How hot is Chris Pine? – Pajiba

Rihanna is selling what? – The Cut

Victoria Justice in a bikini – GCeleb

Why Kanye West can never retire – Dlisted

When will Queer Eye be back for season 3? – ScreenRant


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