Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2019 » March
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Matt LeBlanc reveals three things about the monkey from Friends
March 14th, 2019 under Friends (cast), Jimmy Kimmel. [ Comments: none ]

Matt LeBlanc was on Jimmy Kimmel Live yesterday and the ABC host wanted to know if he is still friends with the monkey from Friends.

That is when Joey said he liked the monkey, but his co-star David Schwimmer not so much. Every time Ross had to work with Marcel, he was like “Again with the monkey?”

Talking about Marcel, did you know that Marcel was really a Katie? That is right, the monkey on Ross’ back was really a girl.

Then LeBlanc shared a behind-the-scenes moment about Katie. One day when they were filming, she did what capuchin monkeys do, climbed up the lights on the soundstage to the ceiling and got lost. Therefore, all of these stagehands were trying to lure her down with mealworms. After a half hour, she finally came down and the continued filming.

NBC made a huge mistake by giving LeBlanc the Friends spinoff, as we know. They should have given it to Marcel/Katie. If they did, we would still be talking about how off the rafters it is.


Kids react to their dads dumping the beard!
March 14th, 2019 under Babies. [ Comments: none ]
Imagine you are a kid and you spent your whole life knowing your dad with a beard. Then one day, he decides to shave it off. How would you react?

Kyoot compiled several videos of offspring reacting to their dads saying off with the spingy hairs on their faces. Almost every child cried hysterically. Although some got really mad at their pops.

All I did was smile because they are all so cute. There is one kid that will just break your heart. You will know when you get to him because your eyes will be as red as his.

BTW I think Jimmy Kimmel needs to do this and let’s see how Jane and Billy react to the new look.

So if you need to smile, then press play. Because this video is 10 minutes of joy.


What if This Is Us was a sitcom?
March 14th, 2019 under This Is Us. [ Comments: 1 ]

We are used to This Is Us being a drama that makes us cry every week. What if Randall’s family was more like the one on Family Matters? That is what Shadow and Act asked themselves. Therefore, they took scenes from the show and edited to the theme from the ’90s TGIF sitcom.

You know, someone please tell Dan Fogelman about this because I think his program needs a happy spinoff like this one. We all know he can do comedy, see The Neighbors, Galavant and Grandfathered.


Is Kate Beckinsale really 45?
March 14th, 2019 under Are they really their age?, Kate Beckinsale. [ Comments: none ]

Kate Beckinsale shared a bathroom selfie in a teddy and you have to wonder if she is really 45 years old? I guess if you are dating a cub who is 20 years your minor, it takes years off of your looks. At least it does with the actress who had a, “Brief stint as bathroom attendant during which I handed out small towels and very brief inspirational dancercise tutorials.”


Hot Links!
March 13th, 2019 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]


What did Felicity Huffman look like in court yesterday? – Dlisted

Britney Spears is going to Broadway – Pajiba

Kate Middleton's wardrobe malfunction – Celebitchy

Isla Fisher actually has cleavage, who knew? – Popoholic

Who will be the next Bachelorette on ABC? – ScreenRant

Which Pretty Little Liar wore a see-thru shirt? – The Nip Slip


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