Dame Helen Mirren has a new movie in theaters this week and that is exactly where she saw Dumbo. Before the lights went down and the curtain went up, she said, “Netflix is great don’t get me wrong but there is nothing like being in a beautiful theater waiting for the movie to begin with an audience, popcorn at the ready.”
Can anyone argue with her? There are some movies that play better in a theater than at home. They need that experience with the powerful sound system that brings the sounds alive and an audience to laugh or cry with you. Personally, I prefer older movie theaters to newer ones. I love how dark they get and uncomfortable the seats are. They let you know that you are not at home, but in a place where movies are meant to be enjoyed.
I just wish they were cheaper. Who can afford to go to the movies these days? Which is why we see more of them on Netflix than in theaters.
The new trailer for Toy Story 4 is out and the toys are going on an adventure. They venture out into the world. Will, what they see cause them to leave home forever? We will find out when the movie comes out on June 21st.
We don’t know when Jessica Simpson is going to have her third baby. However looking at this photo, it can be any second that the “Jess-tation” will be over.
Although, if I am right, I bet you a penny, she already had her little Birdie and this picture was to throw us off the scent.
Before Robert Englund was killing high school kids in Nightmare on Elm Street, he was a kid in high school in Buster & Billie. How cute was the 26-year-old in that 1974 movie?
Englund posted this on Instagram about his late co-star, “Beautiful boy… RIP Jan-Michael Vincent. My first movie star co-star back in 1973. Remember him by watching Richard Brooks’s BITE THE BULLET with his “sister” Candice Bergen and Gene Hackman. Or John Milius’s BIG WEDNESDAY or with me in BUSTER & BILLIE.”