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Hot Links!
February 24th, 2019 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Did Kanye West's dye his hair? – Dlisted

Who won the Oscar (not the viewer)? – Pajiba

Miley Cyrus wears a see-thru shirt – The Nip Slip

True Detective 3 spoilers (do we still care?) – ScreenRant

Which ex is still friends with Jennifer Aniston? – Celebitchy


At least if Lady Gaga and Glenn Close lost, they lost to a great speech
February 24th, 2019 under Lady Gaga, Oscars, Paramount+. [ Comments: none ]
I will be honest with you, I have not seen any of the films nominated for the Oscars tonight (I tried a few and got bored). Therefore, I don’t know who deserved it and who did not.

I was under the impression, like most, that Glenn Close was going to win Best Actress. If not her, then Lady Gaga. Well, they both lost. Olivia Colman won for The Favourite. Even though she was not the favorite to win, her speech was the winner of the night. It was worth her winning just for that.

BTW Lady Gaga’s speech for winning Best Song was not that Shallow. I was crying with her as we watched as A Star Was Born This Way!


Did this play into Jessica Jones cancellation?
February 24th, 2019 under Babies. [ Comments: none ]

(ABC/Rick Rowell)

Krysten Ritter walked the red carpet with her boyfriend, Adam Granduciel, and there was something different about her. She has a bump. As in a baby bump. It was hard not to notice her growing belly in the skin tight scarlett lace dress.

On that note, you have to wonder if her pregnancy played a part in the cancellation of Jessica Jones. It would obviously have to be delayed. Yeah, right. We know the real reason why it got the ax and it has nothing to do with her expanding. It has everything to do with Disney expanding into the streaming business.


Glenn Close most spirited date at the Spirit Awards
February 24th, 2019 under Glenn Close. [ Comments: none ]

When I saw photos of Glenn Close walking the purple carpet at the Spirit, I was in love with her metallic lilac pants suit by Sies Marjan. Then I noticed her date! They say all men are dogs, and her date was one. As in her best friend Pip.

Not only did her pup escort her down the press line, but he also accompanied her up on the stage when she won best actress for The Wife.

You know what, all awards shows should allow the celebrities four-legged pals with them! Now, that is something I would tune in to see.

BTW If you cannot get enough of these two, then follow Glenn Close on Instagram to see more of their adventures together. Their photos always bring a smile to my face.


Doom Patrol is far from being doomed!
February 22nd, 2019 under Brendan Fraser, DC Comics, Matt Bomer. [ Comments: none ]

I have to start off by saying I am so over comic book shows and movies. Because of that, I was thinking of skipping Doom Patrol. Then I saw some reviews about the show that is on DC Universe, and I am like I so have to check this out. As soon as I heard some cursing and saw a sex scene, I knew this was the superhero show I was going to love. And I do.

The first episode was posted last week, so I am late to the game. Since it is a streaming site, you can watch the first two episodes now. It is the type of show you want to watch after a long work week or actually anytime.

The series starts off with Cliff Steele (Brendan Fraser) a married race car driver with a kid who is sleeping with the maid. Not exactly perfect, far from it. He gets into a car crash and his brain is put into a robot making him Robotman.

Niles Caulder (Dalton, Timothy Dalton), also known as The Chief, is a top medical scientist who gives hopeless people “a miracle”. He also protects them from themselves and the outside world by keeping them in his house at a remote location.

Back to Cliff, he is the newest member of The Chief’s home, even though he has been there for years. The Chief needs to get him used to his new body which is very stiff. He will not be able to do it alone, so he will need help from his other residents.

Rita Farr (April Bowlby) is an actress from the ’50s. She had an accident on set that turns her into Elasti-Woman because she can stretch her body. Because she was an act-tress, she is so over her new home and the people in it.

Larry Trainor (Matt Bomer) was a dashing pilot living a double life. He wanted to hide from his troubles so he went flying as much as possible. One day he flies into negative energy and his plane crashes. He survives, but his whole body suffered catastrophic burns. Not only that, he now shoots out energy from his chest which is why we call the man covered in bandages Negative Man.

Crazy Jane (Diane Guerrero) got her name because she lives up to it. She has 64 different personalities and each comes with its own ability. You know never know who she is going to be so it would be wise to watch what you say around.

Robotman and her hit it off even though she says some pretty awful sh!t to him. Actually, they all hit it off. So swell, that they decide to leave their compound and go into town. It starts off innocent enough until one of them loses their control and the town is pretty much destroyed. Proving to them they should stay home.

Which catches us up to the second episode. They are in what is left in town and one of them goes missing. Luckily, we get a new member to join their patrol just in time. Victor Stone (Joivan Wade) was doing an experiment when something goes horribly wrong. The explosion kills his mom and half of him. You see Cyborg is now half human and half machine.

He is not like the others and he will inspire them to be more than what they are. Activating the Doom Patrol in ways they have never be activated before. Is that a good thing? We will find out every Friday.

This is kind of the Deadpool of group superheroes. Yes I know he is Marvel and they are DC, but it is the best comparison I can come up with. Don’t get at mad me. Be happy I at least I knew they were from two different universes. That is good for me.

Back to Doom Patrol, as you can tell this is unlike everything else in the genre. Which is great because it so needed a changeup. Therefore, if you are looking for something fun to watch, look no further than this show. So look it up now!


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