Remember you were a kid and all you wanted to do was try baking cocoa. You thought it was going to be sweet like chocolate. You learned the very hard way it was far from it.
So did little Gabriel. His mom Stephanie Wilson says that he kept begging her to try it, so she eventually gave in. How did he like it? The puffing of cocoa dust should tell you all you need to know.
You live, you learn. And sometimes when you learn, you burn!
George W. Bush and Michelle Obama attended the memorial service for John McCain yesterday and it went on a for a long time. Laura Bush was smart and brought along some candy with her to moisten her mouth; but the woman who replaced her did not. I guess when Mrs. Obama saw the sweetness, she asked for a piece. Mrs. Bush went into her purse, took out a piece, handed it to her husband who slyly gave it to her.
Had the cameras not caught their act, nobody would have been none the wiser. I wish I had the former president in my class when I was passing notes because he is good at being sneaky. I would have gotten in a lot less trouble when I passed notes.
When it comes to Barack Obama, am I the only who is thinking that he is thinking where is my candy?
And let’s talk about the candy. Who would have thought that a piece of candy would bring peace between the Democrats and the Republicans?
Bono was having a beautiful day, but he had an ugly night yesterday during a concert in Berlin. Midway through the show, his voice went out and he was forced to cancel the concert.
Shortly afterward U2 released this statement, “We’re so sorry for tonight’s cancellation. Bono was in great form and great voice prior to the show and we were all looking forward to the second night in Berlin, but after a few songs, he suffered a complete loss of voice.” Then they added, “We don’t know what has happened and we’re taking medical advice.”
Hopefully, it is nothing serious because we are not ready to have his voice silenced. People love their shows, and more of them should go to see the band live.
I have been an AIDS advocate since I was a teenager and have given lectures on safe sex. Therefore, I tell everyone to use condoms. I have not been able to reach the youth of today, and now STIs are on the rise. As soon as Conan O’Brien heard about this, he shot a PSA telling and showing people how to use condoms. So watch this video, and buy and use some condoms. They do the pen!s and v@gin@ good!
Boys, just don’t put it on your banana like this guy did because he was not paying attention when the showed him how to do it in sex ed. Squeeze the tip.
There are many reasons to watch Outlander and NetflixCanada gave us the best one. Seeing Sam Heughan without a shirt. They put together a video of several of his shirtless scenes and guess how I am spending the weekend? Rewatching Outlander again!
Which will make even more excited for the return of the Starz drama on November 4th.