Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2018 » June
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Eric Stonestreet is asked if this is Modern Family’s last season
June 22nd, 2018 under Kathie Lee and Hoda, Modern Family. [ Comments: none ]

For several months, there have been rumors that the 10th season of Modern Family will be its last. Today when he was on Today, they asked him it was true. He told them, “Well, I don’t know for sure, but we are not contracted to do an 11th season.” He then told Hoda Kotb that they will probably make a decision by Christmas.

The last time they went in for negotiations, the decision was finalized closer in May rather than January. It will be interesting to see what they will this time around.

Is there any hope for more seasons? Cam said, “I am open to it. I think we’re all open to the idea. But we don’t want to go away yet.” Only time will tell!

Do you think it is time for the sitcom to end or would you like more seasons?


Timeless’ time ran out
June 22nd, 2018 under NBC. [ Comments: none ]
NBC wanted to cancel Timeless after its first season, but the fans rallied hard to get it a second one. The show changed things up for the second season and it was for the better. Sadly, the ratings were worse. Therefore, NBC decided that they had no more time for the show about time.

The show’s creator Eric Kriptke wrote, “Gutted by this, guys, I know you are too. Behind the scenes, Sony has been trying hard to set it up elsewhere, but no luck so far. I think this 2 hour movie is our best shot. We’re ready to make it if @nbc really wants it. Let ’em know how you feel. #clockblockers.” And they he added, “THANK YOU cast, writers, crew and most all all, the #clockblockers for your brilliance & passion. I love you all. I was proud to bring a little positivity & inclusion into this f-d up world. I will keep my personal thoughts about network TV private until we get this movie made. One last thing: whether there’s a show or not, we’re all family now. We’re all #clockblockers, baby.”

The show’s other creator Shawn Ryan had this to say about the cancellation, “This is a sad day for the writers, actors, crew and especially the viewers of Timeless. We are all extremely proud of what we made and know that it was more than just a show for so many of our fans. It became a passion and a cause for many of them.We’re proud of the impact @NBCTImeless had on so many people – the students who embraced history as a result of our show, the people who were inspired by our stories of inclusion and acceptance. We saw your tweets and were inspired by you. If NBC is sincere in wanting a 2 hour movie to give much needed closure to our amazing @NBCTimeless fans, we are ready to make it. We don’t want the journeys of Lucy, Wyatt, Rufus and the others to end yet. #ClockBlockers.”

When it comes to how I feel about it, I really hope they get the two-hour movie. The show’s second season was educational besides being fun. They taught me about Robert Johnson and I have been listening to his music ever since. And that is just one of the many examples of why I loved Timeless so much. The cast, the writing and the history lessons. I learned more from Timeless than I did in high school. Granted I didn’t take history in HS, but you know what I mean.


Guess who attracts all the dogs?
June 22nd, 2018 under Guess who?. [ Comments: none ]

Want to see who is showing off her Twin Peaks, then click here!


Christine Baranski talks about Michael Sheen naming his penis after her
June 22nd, 2018 under Cher, Graham Norton. [ Comments: none ]

Let’s be honest, we have all named our private parts after someone. Some of us, including me, have named them after someone famous. In my case two people!

Anyhoo, Sarah Silverman says that her boyfriend named his and Michael Sheen calls it “The Great Christine Baranski.” Today, when she was on The Graham Norton Show, the BBC host had to ask her about it. Specifically, why she thinks the actor named his little man after the great actress? She said, “Long lasting career?” Then Cher piped in with, “tall and thin?” Why do you think?

Baranski says if she ever meets him, she will have to ask him about it. That is right, he has never met her. If they ever do meet, then it will be even more amazing than that time that Steve Carell met Kelly Clarkson. Seriously, what would Sheen do? If I were him, I would run like the Road Runner out of the joint because there is no way I could possibly face the people I named my privates after. Could you?

BTW the best part of this whole thing is Baranski’s reaction. She is so prim and proper that she does not even know how to talk about it. But then again would anyone?


Why did the girl stick her head in a tailpipe?
June 22nd, 2018 under Jimmy Kimmel. [ Comments: none ]
Kaitlyn Strom went to a music festival with her boyfriend to see Miranda Lambert and they had a night they will never forget. That is because somethin’ bad happened to the 19-year-old when saw an oversized tailpipe, that was not attached to a little red wagon; and thought she could fit her head in there. She was right. But there was just one problem, what goes in does not always come out.

That is right, her head was stuck in the tailpipe and after 45 minutes, firefighters were able to set her free. And now she is famous in a small town. So famous that Jimmy Kimmel Live had to talk to her and the guy that the truck the tailpipe belongs to in Darwin, Minnesota. Yes, the future Darwin Award Winner is actually in Darwin!

Was Tom Wold mad that she got her head stuck in his tailpipe? Shockingly no. He is not even asking her to reimburse him. Which I would totally do! He is just glad she is OK.

What advice does the teen have for other people who might want to see if their head fits someplace it should not go? She tells them, “Curiosity goes a long way, but just don’t do it.” Good advice because I know when I have been high on sugar and other things or had too much to drink, I have tempted to do things and people I should not do. Thankfully, I stopped myself before I put my head in a tailpipe. That can be a warning parents can give their kids from now on. Have a good night, but don’t get your head stuck in a tailpipe like that girl from Minnesota, dontcha know.


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