Hear ye, hear ye, The Royals is back for its best season ever! |
March 11th, 2018 under E!, Elizabeth Hurley. [ Comments: none ]
The Royals is back for its fourth season on E! tonight at 10p and it is royally messed up. But in a very good way!
The season starts off with everyone trying to get used to Robert (Max Brown) as King and none of them like it. For over two seasons, we heard how great he is. Then when he comes back from the dead, we do not know what to make of him. Actually we do, we hate him. But this season, just as you start to like him, he does something that makes you hate him. How does his family feel about him? Well, that you just have to see for yourself.
Queen Helena (Elizabeth Hurley) is adjusting to the fact that she will not be Queen for much longer. Up until then, she will live every day like she is the Queen of England. Which she is.
Princess Elanor (Alexandra Park) and Jasper (Tom Austen) are not together at the beginning of the season. How long will that last? Can these two really stay apart from each other? Since she does not have him in her life, she has made a major change to her life. She is not the same Princess we knew the first season. Wait until you see her transformation.
Prince Liam (William Moseley) hates his brother and will do anything to get rid of him. He is consumed with taking down his brother and will do the unthinkable.
Finally there is Cyrus (Jake Maskall), and he is, well, Cyrus. He will never change and that is why we love the black sheep of this dysfunctional royal family.
What can you expect this season? Sex, Joan Collins, someone will get shot, a country wide blackout, someone will be banished not only from the castle but also England, a Robin Hood within the palace, a proposal, betrayal, a wedding, cat fights, make ups, break ups, family dinners gone wrong and so much more.
If only the British royals were as exciting as this monarchy, we would be even more obsessed with them then we already are. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle don’t have anything on this lot. Which is good for Great Britain, and bad for us!
American Idol has lost its magic, while Deception is full of it! |
March 11th, 2018 under ABC, American Idol 9+. [ Comments: none ]
American Idol is back, but over on ABC. Except for the three new judges, it is the same old American Idol we knew on Fox. Although, they found a way to suck all of the life out of the once beloved show. I watched the 2-hour season premiere without commercials and it felt like it went on for 4 hours.
Katy Perry screams desperation. Look at me and my crazy wacky outfit. Lionel Richie is a legend, but does not have the energy and charm that other Motown stars like Gladys Knight, Stevie Wonder or Little Richard have. Then there is Luke Bryan, I like him but he is flat. They are actually all flat. When they give critiques, they are just mean. When Simon gave them advice, it was mean, but you knew they needed to hear it. It made them better performers. These guys are just so blah. It is all so lackluster.
What about the auditions? First off, they lied about not showing bad auditions with crazy people. There a few on tonight’s episode. When it comes to the rest, they are trying to be like The Voice. Instead of going for the next pretty Carrie Underwood, they are looking for another quirky Clay Aiken. As in someone who is not the perfect rock star, but someone a lot more awkward.
When it comes to the actual auditions, I honestly did not know any of the songs. I guess ABC does not want to pay for songs we have heard of. But that is not the only problem. At one point, a 19-year-old boy comes in and says he has crush on Perry. Then it is revealed he has never been kissed, and she goes up to him and forces a kiss on him. He screws up the audition and then the bitch didn’t even send him to Hollywood. WTF? Is this new Idol? Count me out.
On a positive note, there is a lot less Ryan Seacrest.
In summary, ABC has sterilized American Idol. Unless they find a way to give it some pizazz, it will be the costliest mistake since NBC hired Megyn Kelly.
Then at 10p, it is time for some Deception. The show is magical and not just because the lead is an illusionist!
Cameron Black (Jack Cutmore-Scott) is one of the greatest illusionists of our time, until his world comes crashing down. His twin brother, that no one knew about is arrested for murdering a woman. Now that everyone knows their secret, no one wants anything to do with him.
One day while he is watching the news, he sees a story about a plane that has gone missing from a locked hangar in front of several federal agents. He knows it was a trick, so he goes to show the FBI how it has been done. He somehow finagles his way into the case and now he is working on solving the crime with Special Agent Kay Daniels (Ilfenesh Hadera). She cannot stand him, but she realizes he might be able to help her.
Together the two of them, and his team of illusionists Dina (Lenora Crichlow), Jordan (Justin Chon) and Gunter (Vinnie Jones) will work together to catch the very bad guys with their tricks.
Each week, they will literally work their magic to put criminals behind bars as Cameron tries to get his brother out prison. Which makes this a procedural with a nice twist.
What makes Deception so special is its charm. You cannot help but to fall in love it before you say ta-dah.
Timeless changes things up for the second season and it is for the better! |
March 11th, 2018 under NBC. [ Comments: none ]
Timeless the show that was cancelled, but saved by fans is finally back on NBC tonight at 10p. There is a reason why we love it and this season they will make us love them even more.
The episode starts off with Lucy (Abigail Spencer) being kidnapped by her mom (Susanna Thompson), who turns out to be Rittenhouse. Back at home base, Wyatt (Matt Lanter) and Rufus (Malcolm Barrett) are looking for her. But they will get sidetracked when someone blows up headquarters.
Now that six weeks have passed and they have a new home, they want Lucy back. Meanwhile, she is stuck in World War I with her mom. They are there to rescue a mysterious injured man, and they will get help from Marie Curie and her daughter. Before they finally help that man, Lucy will be forced to do something that is against everything she believes in. How will it change her?
Thankfully, Rufus and Wyatt swoop in to save her, but will she go with them or stay with her mom?
Eventually some or maybe all of them will make it back to modern day. What happens next week, changes up the series and they are totally taking advantage of their second chance.
While most shows would crumble due to its budgetary constraints, Timeless uses it to their advantage. They still get to go to some interesting places like the beginning of movies in Hollywood and the height of the Salem Witch Trials. But their mission is not the same as it used to be and that makes the show much more exciting. So exciting, you don’t want to miss the show that the fans fought for and saved. Find out why tonight and every Sunday at 10p!
Jaimie Alexander suffered a ruptured appendix |
March 11th, 2018 under Jaimie Alexander, Sick Bay. [ Comments: none ]

On Blindspot, Jaimie Alexander seems indestructible, but in real life she can be taken down by ruptured appendix. Luckily doctors were able to save her before it was too late. Now, she is stuck recuperating in bed. Hopefully she will be kicking ass again soon! For some reason, I don’t think she will be down for long.
ABC pulls a Black-ish political episode |
March 11th, 2018 under Anthony Anderson. [ Comments: none ]

On February 27th, ABC aired a Black-ish repeat instead of the episode Please Baby, Please. Now we know why.
According to Variety, there were creative differences between the network and the show’s producer over the episode that took on some of today’s biggest political issues like kneeling during the National Anthem.
This is not the first time that the show has taken on hot button issues, but this is the first time the network yanked the show from the lineup. Neither the network nor the producer revealed what was too controversial for air, but I want to know what was deemed too hot for TV.
Now, when it comes to the show and how they handle political issues, I don’t think that they do as a good of a job as compared to what The Carmichael Show did and Superior Donuts does. It is just that more people watch the ABC sitcom than the other two shows. In fact, I think The Carmichael Show caused Black-ish to up their game. A game that Superior Donuts is winning, so make sure to watch it on CBS Monday nights at 9p.
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