You know those Luvs commercials, where they show us how parents treat their second child much differently than the first one. They treat the first kid like a precious Fabergé egg and the second one like a regular chicken’s egg? Well, Jason Biggs and Jenny Mollen welcomed their son just over a month ago, and they are already treating Lazlo like a carton of eggs. At least when they go food shopping they do that.
I just love how they already have second kid syndrome, and it has not even been 45 days since they has Sid’s little brother.
The second trailer is out for The Greatest Showman with Hugh Jackman and Zac Efron and I know I cannot wait to see it on December 20th.
Just watching this trailer reminded me of the happy times I used to have going to Barnum and Bailey Circus as a kid. I know that is not PC to say, but I enjoyed the circus. Because of that, I can see loving this film just as much.
Days after killing it at the CMAs, Carrie Underwood nearly killed herself by falling down some stairs outside of her house on Friday. Luckily, she is just battered and bruised with a broken wrist and she will be OK after “some time” according to People.
She reassured her fans on Twitter by saying, “I’ll be alright…might just take some time…glad I’ve got the best hubby in the world to take care of me.” Mike Fisher, was out of town at the time, but flew home to be with his wife.
She is the second American Idol alum to have fallen down some stairs in the last month, so I say to the other ones be careful when you take the steps. The first one was Simon Cowell on September 27th and he is doing better after a low blood pressure diagnosis.
After several critically trashed movies, DC Comics finally had a huge hit on their hands with Wonder Woman and huge star in Gal Gadot. She is their Wonder Woman, and that means she has some pull because of what she has done to save their franchise.
What does she want? For starters, Page Six says she refuses to sign on for the sequel unless Brett Ratner, who has been accused of sexual assault, and his production company are completely removed from the film. A source explained her reasoning to the paper, “She’s tough and stands by her principles. She also knows the best way to hit people like Brett Ratner is in the wallet. She also knows that Warner Bros. has to side with her on this issue as it develops. They can’t have a movie rooted in women’s empowerment being part-financed by a man accused of sexual misconduct against women.”
No word yet what Warner Bros will do but I am sure if they dropped him, several other production companies would use their golden lassos to rope in the feature. Plus, she is their Wonder Woman and as of now she not easy to replace like when Christopher Reeve was Superman.