Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2017
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Did accusations against Jeremy Piven cost his show a pickup?
November 27th, 2017 under Jeremy Piven. [ Comments: 1 ]
Weeks after several women accused Jeremy Piven of sexually assaulting them, CBS finally announced today that his show Wisdom of the Crowd would not get any additional episodes. In other words, it is cancelled. While the drama is doing about the same ratings as their other 2 new dramas, SEAL Team and SWAT, it makes you wonder why his show did not get the back 9 and theirs did. They have bigger (to their brand) names attached to them unlike him Piven who does not really scream CBS like David Boreanaz and Shemar Moore. Which could be why. But my personal theory, is his show sucked. The pilot was so bad, I could not even review it. I am sure a lot of other people felt the same way and that is why CBS made the wise choice for the crowd and parted ways with it. While looking like they are being all noble by parting ways with someone who has been accused of of sexual assault by at least 3 women.

Piven had this to say about the end of his show, “Wanted to thanks all of you guys for supporting us at #WisdomoftheCrowd sorry we don’t get to continue with this great family we have created . Proud of the work we did and we will Finish out our 13 episodes with full hearts!”

If you are one of the few people who enjoys it, the remaining 4 episodes will play out during its regularly scheduled timeslot.


Love & Hip Hop & a baby for Ray J and Princess Love
November 27th, 2017 under Brandy and Ray J, The Real. [ Comments: 1 ]

Ray J and his wife Princess Love, of a year, have been very vocal about their fertility struggles and today on The Real, he had some happy news to share. The Love & Hip: Hollywood stars are expecting their first child together in 2018. He really does not care what it is, but he is hoping it is a girl who is a little more peaceful than a boy.

As of now there is no tape of the baby being conceived because he is not sure what night it happened. On that note, if it is a girl, I wonder if they will name her Kim. Most likely not.


What happens when Brooke Shields takes the cold plunge?
November 27th, 2017 under Brooke Shields. [ Comments: none ]

A post shared by Brooke Shields (@brookeshields) on

For some reason Brooke Shields decided to take a dip in a freezing cold hot tub and you can tell she quickly regretted it as soon as she took her first step into the ice cold water. She made sounds she has not made since she dated Dean Cain. Too soon?

Seriously, don’t you love the pretty girl’s reaction to torture? Or is just me because I am a sadist?

BTW doesn’t she looks freaking fantastic in a one-piece at 52? How is she that old?


Somewhere over The Rock’s rainbow!
November 27th, 2017 under The Rock. [ Comments: none ]

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Thanks to Moana we learned that The Rock can sing and he proved it again over the weekend when he sang his own version of Over the Rainbow from The Wizard of Oz in his homestate of Hawaii to welcome the international press to the Jumanji junket.

Only DJ can get away with changing up the lyrics to “Somewhere over the rainbow, little birds fly. Supposed to be good luck if they sh!t on your shoulder.” And that is why we love that big muscle man with a huge heart, he such a naughty side. I would love him even more if he released a full version of that tune. Could you only imagine?


Meghan Markle is one step closer to marrying our Prince Charming!
November 27th, 2017 under British Royals, Suits. [ Comments: none ]

Meghan Markle is just a girl from Los Angeles, who grew up to be an actress and thanks to a friend who introduced her to her future husband at the Invicitus Games in Canada, is set to marry the Prince of England. Clarence House announced today that the Suits actress and Prince Harry got engaged earlier this month (around the time it was reported she is leaving her USA show) and will have a Royal wedding sometime in the Spring. Will Donna be in her wedding party?

Talk about living a fairy tale. A year and a half ago, she was just a Cinderella and now she is going to marry a Prince. Hopefully as those books say, “They lived happily ever after.”

And she better get pregnant during their honeymoon because he desperately needs to be a dad!

Gotta love Prince Harry and Prince William, just when it seems like nothing good is happening, one of them is getting married and the other one is having his third child with Kate Middleton. There is hope!


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