Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2017
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What is the best gift that Oprah Winfrey ever gave Gayle King?
November 29th, 2017 under Andy Cohen, Oprah Winfrey. [ Comments: none ]

Yesterday, when Gayle King was on Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen, a caller wanted to know what is the best gift that her BFF Oprah Winfrey ever gave her. Let me tell you after she revealed what it is, I want Oprah Winfrey as my friend forever.

You see, after the CBS news anchor had her second child 11 months after her first one, Lady O got her a full-time nanny. When you get an amazing gift like that, you promise to give her your third child or anything else she wants. Right? Because that is the best gift any new mom can get. Better than a Diaper Genie or a Breast Pump.

Why didn’t King just get that for herself? Because back then she did not have the money she has now. Again, what an amazing friend Oprah is. Forget being in the Taylor Swift squad, I want to be in this one.


Elementary gets 8 additional episodes this season
November 29th, 2017 under CBS. [ Comments: none ]

Even though, CBS has yet the slot the 6th season of Elementary, they announced today that they want 8 more episodes from the show. Bringing the total to 21, 1 short of full season.

Which makes you wonder if the network is doing that so the drama could have a proper sendoff since I doubt it will get a 7th season. But then again, I said that after 4th and 5th seasons.

My gut says that this will be a summer show and they want to see how it will do. But considering how bad it has been doing during the regular one, the Jonny Lee Miller and Lucy Liu will not be back. But nowadays, you never know.


The All the Money in World trailer with Christopher Plummer instead of Kevin Spacey
November 29th, 2017 under Kevin Spacey. [ Comments: none ]
Less than three weeks after it was announced that All the Money in the World was replacing Kevin Spacey with Christopher Plummer, they released the first trailer with disgraced star’s replacement.

Gotta love Hollywood magic, how they make the impossible possible. People wondered how the feature film would make its December 22nd release date and now we know it is plausible. Which is a good thing because after reading about John Paul Getty III’s kidnapping, I cannot wait to see this movie.


Was Meghan Markle’s engagement too much for Patrick J Adams to handle?
November 29th, 2017 under Suits. [ Comments: none ]

Patrick J Adams shared a photo of himself in what appears to be a hospital room with his wife, Troian Bellisario, nervously looking over him and said, “50cc’s. Cute. Stat.” Does that mean he could not handle that his TV fiancee, Meghan Markle, went to get him milk and never came back because she got engaged to the Prince of England? Or something else happened to the Suits star? Or could it be that he is a filming a scene for a movie? We do not know, but we do hope he is better soon.


Now we know what it takes to fire Matt Lauer
November 29th, 2017 under TV News. [ Comments: none ]

For years, there have been rumors of Matt Lauer’s demise and today it finally happened on Today. The highest paid anchor on morning news, a reported $20 million a year, was let go after he was accused of “inappropriate sexual behavior.” The head of NBC news felt that this was not an isolated incident, and that is why they made the decision to let him go after 30 years.

Also throughout the years, he has publicly been accused of cheating on his wife, of almost 30 years, multiple times.

This news is shocking, but this is nothing to new in the news business. These claims have been made almost everywhere, and now the higher ups are finally listening because their complaints have gone public. While this has hit the news business especially hard over this year, know it is every field of employment. Do not act like it is not. We just don’t care as much when it happens to a manager of a local store in Topeka. You know happens there, just as much as happens in Hollywood, DC and NYC.

I am so happy that women can now feel safe at the workplace and know their voices are being heard. We have put up with it for way too long and I hopeful the next generation of women will not have to go through what I and so many other women have gone through. It haunts you for the rest of your life and my first incident happened to me when I was just 18, right after I graduated high school, working at a local deli. Like I said, it can happen anywhere.


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