Taxi is my all time favorite show, so whenever I see any of the actors anywhere it brings a massive smile to my face. Imagine how happy I was when I saw that Reverend Jim and Louie DePalma were hanging out like they were best of friends. Not the mean boss, who couldn’t stop picking on his lovable druggie cab driver.
Why Christopher Lloyd and Danny DeVito were hanging out, I don’t know. In fact, I don’t care. But I think it is time for a Taxi reunion because this show is the funniest and wittiest sitcom to ever grace out televisions. I have seen each episode over 100 times and I still laugh as hard each time I watch it. So brilliant and ahead of its time.
Darrell Hamilton Jr thought he came up with the perfect way to propose his girlfriend last month, but it did not go as planned.
According to The New York Post, the Fresno TV station video editor surprised Rheanna Lopez with a helicopter ride. He planned several surprises along their route, which caused the pilot to tilt the chopper so they could find a sign on his cousin’s back yard. It was too much for him to handle. Instead of saying, “Will you marry me?” Something else came out of his mouth. His breakfast.
Thankfully, he gave her the ring before he threw up all over it. Because I would not want to put it on after that. Heck, I would’ve said no until he could ask me to marry him without upchucking all over the place.
But I am not his fiancee because she said yes. Something he told the Post, “I don’t even know if she really said ‘yes,’ to be honest. I just know she was really happy.” Not as happy as he was when he was back on the ground.
Which is where I am sure their nuptials will be. I doubt the engaged couple will ever get back in a helicopter again. At least without him taking motion sickness pills first.
Talking about the ground, I bet you, he kissed it before he kissed his future bride on the lips after the proposal. For obvious reasons of course because no one wants to kiss someone after the barf!
Anyways, congratulations to the couple. May their wedding day go better than the proposal.
Steve Harvey asked the contestants on Family Feud, “Name a way a woman knows her date is going in for a kiss?” Kris suavely answered his question with, “Well, Steve, I’ll say, when he adjusts his position to her.” We know what he means, Harvey knows what he means, but the judges don’t know what he means.
Therefore, the host asked him to explain it a little bit better. Not only did he repeat what he said, he showed us what he meant. Daphne and him assumed the positions as he smoothly moved his way towards, meaning he was ready to do one thing and one thing only! Go in for that kiss and she is willing to her laugh her a$$ off at him for trying that sh!t on national television.
But hey, he showed us how he does it. Ladies, how do you know your man is going for the kiss? I always knows because he lick their lips so sexily.
One of the things The Rock is known for his very muscular body and he works very hard to keep in that shape. He gets up every morning at a Gd forsaken hour and exercises until he is dripping with sweat from the top of his bald head to his humongous feet. Which means…
Anyways, how hard does he workout at the gym? Today, he shared a condensed version of his daily routine and all I can say is I need to go back to sleep after watching that. Man that is exhausting, and I was only watching DJ do his thing. How does he do that? Too much for my lazy a$$. I will stick with my Sweatin’ to the Oldies.
While I like my chickens with Buffalo Sauce, turns out they are more than just yummy in my tummy.
Yesterday on Jimmy Kimmel Live, they brought on an eggcellent chicken who can play the piano. Not only can Jokgu play Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, she can also peck out America the Beautiful. The ABC late night show saw the chick do it on YouTube, and they wanted to know if she could she do it in front of a live audience.
At first it didn’t seem like she could, but then she let her beak tickle the ivories and beautiful music was coming out from the keys.
Who knew chickens were so talented? Rose Nylund, that is who! Remember the episode of The Golden Girls when Rose brought home Count Bessie, another chicken who was pianist eggtraordinaire! I wonder if Jokgu and Count Bessie are hatched from the same egg lineage? That would make Jokgu Count Bessie’s great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great granddaughter.
In case you forgot about that eggciting scene from The Golden Girls below, you can watch it below because it is eggactly what you need today to make the World seem like a much better place!
BTW how did someone realize that chickens can play the piano? I mean do you leave a little one out in the barn and tell them to go play? And why is it the chicks that are musical and not the hens? Don’t the hens need to woo the chicks, so they can make babies? I mean like my eggs, but I like my Buffalo Chicken more. On that note, guess what I am going to go eat now.