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Bill Murray is walking down Happy Street!
March 9th, 2017 under Bill Murray. [ Comments: none ]

One of the things we learned about Bill Murray from his Netflix Christmas special is that he can sing. While we just found that out, former Late Show band leader Paul Shaffer knew that all along. In fact, the musician asked Murray to sing on Paul Shaffer and The World’s Most Dangerous Band’s new self-titled album that is out on March 17th.

That diddy is Happy Street and it is going to make you happy! Watching Murray act always brings us joy and turns out his singing does the same. Maybe, he will consider releasing his own album kind of like his old Saturday Night Live friend Steve Martin did. I would add it to my collection. Don’t you want to own his music?


Samuel L Jackson acts out his motherf*cking career!
March 9th, 2017 under James Corden, Samuel L Jackson. [ Comments: none ]

Samuel L Jackson has been in so many movies, even he doesn’t know how many it has been.

Yesterday, on The Late Late Show, James Corden and him acted out a small fraction of them from Pulp Fiction to Soul Men with some huge hits in between like Snakes on a Place, Star Wars: Episode I and II, Shaft and many more in an 11 minute retrospect that will make you stand up and applaud his amazing work through the decades.

There is a reason why he is in so many films because no one takes over a scene like the biggest MoFo in Hollywood, Samuel L Jackson!

The best part of this highlight reel was watching him laugh hysterically when something went wrong because he is always serious in his movie. He needs to do a movie where he really gets to let go and have some fun. Could you imagine Ice Cube and him doing a straight-up comedy? Actually we would be laughing the hardest because both of them would try their hardest not to crack.


Are David Letterman and Michael Stipe the same person?
March 9th, 2017 under David Letterman, Michael Stipe, Not The Same Person. [ Comments: none ]

In the last few years, David Letterman and Michael Stipe have lost some hair on the top of their heads and grew on their faces. In fact, the former late show host and the REM singer grew out big bushy beards like Santa Claus.

Due the whitening of hair and where it has relocated, both men have become look alikes. So much so, it is hard to tell them apart. Even Stipe said, “So f*cked up.” And here I was thinking what’s the frequency, Kenneth?

BTW is it just me or do they both look like garden gnomes?


When did Ryan Gosling put on all of that weight?
March 9th, 2017 under Uncategorized. [ Comments: none ]
Ryan Gosling accepted a Goldene Kamera Award in Germany yesterday. Only one problem, it wasn’t him.

What? According to The Hollywood Reporter back in January two German comedians, Joko Winterscheidt and Klaas Heufer-Umlauf, created a fake booking agency and booked the Oscar nominee on the show. The Kameras were so excited to have him be part of their big night, they agreed to several demands like he wouldn’t walk the red carpet, would be surrounded by security the whole time and his appearance would not be announced before he came out to accept the award.

Then it was time for the big moment. Out walked Ludwig Lehner, a Munich Chef who has a slight resemblance to the actor and he said, “Good evening, I am Ryan Gosling. I dedicate this prize to Joko and Klaas.” It was then that everyone in the audience including Jane Fonda, Nicole Kidman and Colin Farrell knew they were pranked. And they took it all in with shock and laughter. After the Oscargate, does anything surprise anymore at awards shows? Let’s hope so because that is what makes them memorable. It is the only reason why we still remember Moonlight beat out La La Land for Best Picture

When it comes Lehner, do you think he looks like The Notebook heartthrob? I think he looked more like Nicolas Cage with the huge side split than the hot actor. Still it is quite incredible that they were able to pull it off. My Alpine Bavarian Hat is off to them.


This toddler was not excited to meet the Queen of England!
March 9th, 2017 under British Royals. [ Comments: none ]

via Sky News
While most people would be honored to meet the Queen of England, this little boy was not. His mom tried her hardest calm her child down, but he just was not having it. Her Royal Highness being a grandmother to two kids around that age took it all in with a great sense of humor. Hopefully some day, the mother and son will also look back at this with a smile on their, but I do not think it will be any time soon. At least we got a goof laugh out of it.


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