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Hot Links!
March 10th, 2017 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]


Who looks better from he neck down? – Dlisted

Who is NSFEyes? – Celebslam

Who talked about her period? –Celebitchy

You can see Kate Hudson's nipples – The Nip Slip

Which boxer fills out his boxers! – The Wow Report

Ed Sheeran kisses and tells about the Swift Squad! – TB


Is Halle Berry really 50 years old?
March 10th, 2017 under Are they really their age?, Halle Berry. [ Comments: 4 ]

Halle Berry shared a makeup free Selfie and her skin is flawless. The 50 year old doesn’t have a single wrinkle on her face, it is as smooth as someone who is half her age. So how can she really be a half century? Seriously, how is she the big 5-0?


BTWF roles: Paul Wesley on Guiding Light
March 10th, 2017 under Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]
Before Paul Wesley was an eternal teenager on The Vampire Diaries, he was a real one on Guiding Light. I think Wesley might really be a Vampire because he looks the same now as he did when he was 17 in that 2000 episode.


Kristen Stewart explains why she shaved her head
March 9th, 2017 under Kristen Stewart, TV News, Twilight. [ Comments: none ]

On Tuesday, Kristen Stewart shocked us all when she walked the red carpet for her new movie Personal Shopper with a shaved head and people wanted to know why she did it. Today she was on Today, and that was the first thing Willie Geist asked her.

She told the news anchor, “I am doing a movie in a couple of weeks called Underwater and I play an electrical engineer who’s working an oil rig on the bottom of the ocean floor.” Then she added, “For me it is practical, I mean, I am not going to have touch ups with the helmet on.”

Savannah Guthrie then followed up by asking her if she did it voluntary or they asked her to do it. The actress told her, “I have been wanting to do this for a long time, just for novel sake,” adding, “The director suggested it and I was like, ‘Who told you?’ That is a great idea.” And with that off when the hair.

How does she like her buzzed off look? She said, “I just want to head bang all day.” Power to her because there is no way I would do it. I am too much of a wimp and she is much more of a daredevil.

When it comes to her new look, I think she carries it off well. I just think she would look even better if she went back to brunette roots. It would bring out her features even more instead of just washing them out. What do you think?


Ed Sheeran’s lyrics for Love Yourself were much different!
March 9th, 2017 under Ed Sheeran, Howard Stern. [ Comments: none ]

When we think of Ed Sheeran’s lyric we thinking of a man whose words can make any woman sleep with him. Turns out the baby maker also has a naughty side.

Yesterday on The Howard Stern Show, he reveled the true lyrics for Love Yourself, a song he wrote for Justin Bieber. We know them as, “All the time that you rain on my parade, All the clubs you get in using my name, You think broke my heart, oh girl, for goodness sake, You think I am crying on my own, Well I ain’t, My mama don’t like you and she likes everyone.” OK, he made up the last part, but that was not how it was originally written.

He told the Shock Jock, it was, “If you like the way you look that much, Oh, baby you should go ahead and f*ck yourself.” When he was writing those words, he was picturing Rihanna singing his melody. Too bad she didn’t get it and even worse that The Beebs didn’t sing them as intended. That would have told got rid of his Baby Baby image. An image he needs to change. Also I would I love to hear Sheeran be a little more raw like this on his next album. Not that I don’t love Divide, I want to hear this side of him too. Would you like to hear him curse every now and again on his songs? It would be a nice change up for the man who makes women swoon with his ballads.


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